Friday, October 31, 2008


I've heard that the first step toward breaking a terrible addiction is admitting that you HAVE an addiction. 
Hi. My name is Stacy and I'm a lotion-aholic. ;)
John teases me incessantly about this. Not sure what bothers him most... me coming to bed smelling like a fruit basket every night or cleaning out my glove box and finding 8 bottles of lotion stuffed in there. Hmmm. Probably a toss up! LOL! 
Yes. I love lotion. Any kind. Can you tell? (This is just my UPSTAIRS stash, by the way!) Body butters are particularly good! And anything that smells like food, especially desserts. Did you know I even change my moisturizers with the seasons? Yup. It's true. See, I told you I was sick! 
I like to use my Candy Cane or Gingerbread Juicies during the holidays. Apple Torta and Mocha Mint are also good on cold days. In the summer, I'm all about coconut. I've got Coco Cabana, Tropical Colada, Coconut Melon, Coconut Lime Verbena... well, you get the picture. 
But my ALL-TIME faaaaaaaaavorite is Oatmeal Cookie by Bed Head. Um, YUM! I love to just lie in bed at night and smell myself. LOL. 
Yes, a terrible addiction indeed. 
I must have these ooey gooey things near me at all times. If I don't, I might actually freak out just a little bit. John's seen it. It's not pretty. But as long as I'm armed and ready, I'm good. And there's just nothing better than cracking open a new jug of lotion!!! Mmmm. Love it. 
John has challenged me... to see if I can resist buying another container of lotion until ALL these are gone. Ohhhhhhhhhh babe... yeah, um, that's a toughie! I don't think I'm up for that challenge. Sorry. 
And let's not even get started on my lip balm addiction. That will have to wait for some other time. ;) 

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Time for Wishing...

I suppose it's that time of year... the time for wish lists. Here it is, not even Halloween, and Jasper has already handed me HIS Christmas wish list. Well, I suppose it'll help me get a head start on my shopping! HA. Trouble is, he's likely to change his mind 18 times before Christmas morning arrives! He's been known to do that. ;) 

Jasper's 2008 Christmas Wish List:

* $100 bill
* a very long rope
* whipped cream
* electronic Pokeball
* Pokemon card pack
* Bakugan superpack
* Lego theatre set
* fish Webkinz
* spy robot
* electric guitar
* my very own puppy (make sure it's house trained)
* Kirby super star ultra for DS lite
* pie
* Ben 10 watch
* pen knife
* Pokemon Orange Island DVD

LOL... gosh, do you think he missed anything??!!  

What's on YOUR wish list? Do you remember what your FAVORITE gift was that you ever received? I do! Mine is my Rub-a-Dub dolly!! Remember her? The "Rub-a-Dub Dolly, soft pretty dolly" doll? 

Ohhhhhhhhhh I wanted one SO bad when I was little. That's like ALL I wanted for Christmas. Every time I'd see the commercial I'd just go CRAZY. And I didn't get it. :( I think I was sad for three years after that. 
Well, two years ago, I got quite a treat... on Christmas morning, we were opening gifts and it was my turn. I ripped into a gift from my mom and guess what it was? YUP. My VERY OWN VINTAGE RUB-A-DUB DOLLY, still in her original box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I literally burst into tears! John had NO idea why I was crying over this frightening balding doll... but I swear I felt like I was 5 years old again! WOO HOO! My mom admits that she didn't really buy it for me out of love, but rather to shut me up so I'd let her off my 32-year-long guilt trip! Bwahahahahaha!
No, I haven't taken a bath with her, but she sits in my closet and I smile every time I see that box, and think of my mom and how much she loves me. :) :) THANKS MOM! You're the best!  

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jack Frost Was Here

I love the way frosty things look. I love the way the sun sparkles off of them, making them look coated in glitter or shimmering diamonds. I love how they make me think of Christmas cookies and ice skating and snowflakes. I love how they crunch underfoot. 
The mornings have been dazzling this week. Wonderfully frosty! I wanted to capture some of the beauty and felt quite limited by my camera... but I tried. Oh, and a word to the wise... don't squat in the thistle bushes!!! IT HURTS! LOL.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Aw, Come On... How Hard Can It Be?

This post is dedicated to everyone who has ever been on the other side of my camera. ;) 

Seriously. How hard can it be people? You just stand there and look good and let *me* do all the work. You have the easy job. I am the one who has to figure out f-stops and compositions and lighting and shutter speeds and ISOs and flattering angles... really... all YOU have to do is just stand there. 
Easy Peasy. 


LOL. Oh gosh. Now I know why I was meant to be a photographer... because I am SO much more comfortable BEHIND a camera rather than in FRONT of a camera!!!! Ohhhhhhhh I cannot stand having my picture taken! And I'll be the first to say it's NOT as easy as it seems! 

So last night John and I were getting ready to head out to the Southwest Airlines Spirit Party in Dallas and John suggested we run out and let Kathryn snap a few pictures of us in our field. I'm always saying how I'd LOVE to have a nice romantic picture in this lovely meadow before the leaves fall... so okay, sure, let's do it. No problem. 


What a scene. Too bad someone wasn't videotaping it! Oh my gosh. I was laughing hysterically. First I decided we should SIT in the tall grass. I mean, really, I had my clients do it a few days ago, so how hard can it be? Um, NOW I know why my client looked at me like I was crazy! LOL! I got an inch-long sticker in my thumb and couldn't figure out how to sit... then my hair was apparently covering my face so John and I had to swap sides... and all the while Kathryn is snapping away! Then Roxie decides she wants a piece of the action so we're trying to get her to either look cute in the photo or get out of the shot. She didn't look cute! LOL! 
We finally decide this sitting thing isn't working. So we go by the tree. Well, John, mind you, has a FAT lazy lip cause he's JUST come back from the dentist. So I feel like I'm trying to be romantic with a ghoul. And he has a scab (ew!) on his bottom lip cause he'd cut his lip (ow!) shaving. And he has nose hair. Sticking out. Double ew. And it's awfully hard to be romantic while your 10-year-old is WATCHING! LOL! 
Then I decide to walk over and take a peek at the images on the camera to see if we're even in the neighborhood of okay. And I realize that since Kathryn is much shorter than we are, she's been shooting up into the sun so all the images are ruined. :( Ohhhhhhhh and what a shame cause there were actually some cute ones!! So we repositioned her and tried a few more quickies... but by this time I was just DONE! 
The whole escapade only lasted about 10 minutes, but I tell ya, it sure gave me a much better sense of how my poor clients must feel while I'm telling them what to do!!!!!!!! Like the ever-romantic "almost kiss" that I just love... um, not so easy to pull off! HA. 
So to all my clients and friends and family that I have been bossing around for years while I stood there ever-so-safely BEHIND the camera... I'm truly sorry! I feel your pain! 
But, I do hope your suffering has not been for naught. I hope I've given you some lovely images (and perhaps funny memories!) that you will cherish for a lifetime... even if you got splinters or stepped in horse poop or got mauled by a deranged barn cat or almost dropped your baby... it was worth it RIGHT??!! ;) 

Here are two images, taken last night by my wonderful little budding photographer, Kathryn. Thanks honey!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yummy Things

The kids and I made caramel apples yesterday. It's just something you HAVE to do in the fall. That and drink your coffee with pumpkin spice creamer and eat lots of sweet potatoes with cinnamon. :) 
I was watching Kathryn in the kitchen yesterday with a twinge of sadness, but also with a swelling of pride. My baby girl is growing up. And it pains me and yet makes me smile all at once. So very bittersweet. 
Kathryn is amazing. She loves reading Harry Potter, loves math, makes straight As in school, quotes "My Fair Lady" and other Broadway musicals, sings beautifully, does a killer Joni Mitchell impression, makes a mean bull's eye toast, gives the best back tickle in Texas, knows how to laugh at herself (even when she falls down in front of the whole football stadium), knows about 20 blonde jokes (and tells them well!) and has very, very long legs. I wouldn't trade her for all the little girls in the world. 
I'm so happy that Kathryn still likes to cook in the kitchen with me and isn't embarrassed to kiss me goodbye in front of her friends at school. She makes me laugh at least 18 times every day and I am very much enjoying how our relationship continues to bloom. She's a great companion. She is just very very yummy to me. :) 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Morning has Broken...

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day.

- Cat Stevens

Thank you God for another marvelously beautiful day!!! This was the scene out of my back window this morning. I feel so blessed. I know I'm a bit obnoxious about it... going on and on and on about how much I love it here, but gosh, I just DO and I want to scream it from the rooftops! I feel SO at home and SO alive here. Content and at peace and like a long journey has come to an end and now I've finally arrived at my destination and can sit, relax and enjoy and just put my feet up for a while. 
This is where I want to stay. 
I'm home.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Seriously, how cute is she?!

Meet Tiffanie. We love Tiffanie. You would too. 
Tiffanie is a girl who draws outside the lines. She is not afraid to be herself... and "herself" is quite colorful. 
Tiffanie is spunky and funny and beautiful and quirky. She colors her hair with markers, makes tiaras out of pudding lids, lets her friends sign her bedroom walls with Sharpies, loves to wrestle with my kids, isn't afraid to get dirty, can fit 30 cherry tomatoes in her mouth at one time, and oh yeah, goes skydiving. She's decided she wants to be a skydiving videographer/photographer when she grows up. 
Um, how cool is that? 
Tiffanie is truly one of a kind. 
We met her in California. She was our neighbor and my kids' FAAAAAAAAVORITE babysitter. She'd bring over this big blue box and would always have some fun random craft to do with the kids while John and I went out on dates. Gotta love that. 
Tiffanie and her mom Jodie (my good friend) came to visit this weekend... yup, flew all the way from California to Texas to get Tiffanie's photos taken! EEK. Talk about pressure! HA. Anyway, we had so much fun doing Tiffanie's senior portraits this weekend. Wait, did I just say SENIOR portraits? Gosh, how did THAT happen???!!! She grew up WAY too fast. Anyway, she was up for anything... whether I asked her to hula-hoop or sit in the dirt or tromp through horse droppings or kiss a frog statue... she did it. And always with that beautiful smile on her face. It was really fun running around with her and it's going to be really fun to continue to watch her on her crazy life journey. :) You're a hoot kid, and I love ya!

And here's my wonderful friend, Jodie, who is the World's Best Mother and such a good friend and oh yeah, an AMAZING decorator. You should see her house. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. She has sooooooooooooooo many cool ideas. Love you too Jodie! Hope you guys enjoyed your Texas trip! :) 

Monday, October 20, 2008

Take a Number...

I need one of those ticket spitter-outters for my forehead. You know, the ones where you rip off the number and then wait in line? Can I rent one? Cause yeah, like everyone just needs to take a number. I'm so overwhelmed right now that I don't know where to start!!!!! 
My good friends (old California neighbors) just left this morning and I so very much enjoyed their visit... but now I'm trying to get back in touch with life and I feel like I'm running on a treadmill... I know I'm movin, but don't feel like I'm getting anywhere! 
I have several clients wondering about Christmas cards and session previews. My son has an ailing goldfish he won at the school carnival Friday. Oh joy. I don't think my kids brushed their teeth all weekend since I wasn't really around to remind them 800 times. The spinach in the fridge went soggy. The dog is wondering WHY I haven't walked her in 3 days. My plants look thirsty. And oh yeah, the worst... we have a Halloween party in FOUR days and my kids still don't have costumes! EEK. I feel like SUCH a slacker! 
That's okay though... just get in line people... I'll answer your emails one by one, will get your orders done, will rework your custom Christmas card for the 5th time... I promise! No worries!!! LOL! Just don't think I'm ignoring you cause I'm not! I'm back!!!! :D

Okay, and now for my happy thought of the day (cause I'm still quite happy, just overwhelmed!):

My friends and I went to a yummy breakfast this morning and had the most GORGEOUS waitress ever. Anyway, we were sitting there and a homeless man came in the door. He was really REALLY homeless and filthy and smelly and looked like he was pretty much off his rocker. But you know what, our lovely waitress walked right up and greeted him with the same beaming smile she'd given us and invited him to come in and sit. She sat him at his table and said she'd be right back. A few moments later, she brought him the biggest plate of food I've seen in some time. It was piled sky-high with potatoes and sausage and eggs and pancakes, still steaming. He ate quietly and in no rush. The waitress checked on him several times, asking if she could get him anything else. 
It absolutely warmed my heart. I applaud her and the restaurant (Spoons, in downtown McKinney) and was so touched that I'm going to write the manager an email and tell him that it totally made my day. I hope that next time I'm put in a position like the waitress this morning that I can handle it with as much grace and beauty and genuine care that she did. She rocked my world this morning. :) YAY for GOOD people!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Full Moon & My Happy Place

This morning I had the pleasure of starting my day off by falling down the stairs. I guess that's what you get when you go down wood steps in the dark, half asleep, wearing fuzzy socks. But the bummer about it was that I was holding my laptop... so of course I sacrificed my body to save my beloved $3,000 Mac. I sat at the bottom of the stairs, taking a mental inventory... my foot hurt and my ankle, my finger, my back and my neck (Kathryn asked if my butt hurt, but nope, with all that cushion, it was just fine, thankyouverymuch). 
Yeah, Good Morning. Whatever. 
I was thinking how cruel it was that my crap ass day yesterday was going to carry over into this day. Uncool. But then it struck me... the full moon! That's it! Kathryn's studying the moon phases in science at school (they get to nibble Double Stuff Oreos into the shape of the moon! FUN!) and she did tell me, "You know Mom, the moon is STILL there even during the day." 
So that's the trouble. The full moon was still there, even during the day! (Okay, okay, so it's only like 98% full right now, but work with me here people!)
Yesterday was bad enough... a ROUGH morning (too many details to rehash) followed by getting DRENCHED in a downpour as I took my groceries to my car followed by almost getting smeared by an out-of-control semi on the highway (seriously close call!!!!!!!!!!!)... you get the point. Even my glitter glue ran on my carnival poster! WAH!
So, I deserve a better day today. Falling down the stairs at 6:12 a.m. was definitely not in the plan. 
I decided not to let it get me down and that a nice jog with the dog would straighten things out. Usually does. I got ready to go and Roxie took one look at my sports bra and running shoes and went absolutely ballistic with excitement. That always bolsters my mood. :) 
So off we go... 
I'm enjoying that satisfying sound of gravel under my feet as I keep pace with Rusted Root on my iPod. It's about 58 degrees and the air is crisp and clean... leaves are falling around us and there are butterflies everywhere. Roxie is light on the leash and I'm full of energy. And as I'm walking and thinking (I do a LOT of thinking while I'm walking!) I realize that despite a few bumps in the road, I'm in my Happy Place. I've had many periods in my life where I spent too much time looking forward or backward, wishing things could change or go back to the way they were. But I realized this morning that I am at this perfect place, where I am totally satisfied with Right Now, in body, mind and soul. I was thinking about how I could read this blog 20 years from now and say to myself, "Ahhhhh yes, those were good times for sure." I like my Happy Place and I think I'll just stay here for as long as I can. You're welcome to come join me!! The welcome mat is officially rolled out for you. Come on in! I always say, the more the merrier! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The King Midas Touch

I had a rotten day. You don't even want the sordid details. Just know it was utterly rotten. 
But then, I looked out the window this evening and noticed that the whole yard seemed to be glowing. A perfect, soft, post-storm golden glow. It looked as if King Midas himself had gone through with his magic, golden touch, setting the leaves and grass on fire. It was a lovely sight to behold. A perfect example of why dusk is my favorite time of day.
Since the light was glorious, the photographer in me told me to grab my camera and take this opportunity to snap some pictures of my chrysanthemums for my mother. 
As I was walking toward the garden, I happened to glance down and when I did, my breath got caught in my throat. 
I don't know exactly what it was about this little golden omen that just set my soul right, but it did. This simple scene, randomly set in my backyard, had the power to erase all the memory of misery in my day. I was at total peace, once again astounded at the beauty around me and of this place I am so blessed to call home. 
The little omen was especially meaningful to me because I love hearts. I love to doodle hearts. I love heart-shaped jewelry. I love to listen to my husband's heartbeat while I snuggle with him in bed. And I collect heart-shaped rocks. Bet ya didn't know that. Yes, I love hearts. And I loved this lovely, simple reminder of what truly matters in life. :) Whoever put it there for me this evening, I thank you and want you to know that it worked its magic splendidly! 

(P.S. - You GOTTA double click the picture above to see it bigger! It's pretty cool, but this little version doesn't do it justice!)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Triumph at the Fair

You can see Jasper's general feeling for the day...
(Click on pictures to view larger)

We let the kids play a little hookie yesterday. Picked them up from school just before lunchtime and took them to the Texas State Fair in Dallas. Who knew a day at the fair could provide a mother and son with such a beautiful memory? 
Yes, Jasper and I had quite the bonding moment. The poor kid had spent his entire wad of money playing games in the midway, trying like hell to win himself a stuffed Pokemon. The kid is Pokemon CRAZY right now. He really, REALLY wanted that thing. 
So he tried. And tried again. And again. 
John kept telling me what a great "lesson" it was for him and all the while my heart was just BREAKING! 
Fast forward to the last hour of our time at the fair. Back we go to the midway so Jasper can have his last shot at the elusive Pokemon... when all of a sudden he turns to me and says, "Mom, I want you to try it for me." 
OHHHHHHHHHHHH THE PRESSURE people!!! This was his LAST 6 credits... and the LAST chance to win. 
I was praying that no Dads sat down to compete with me. It was one of those games where you all squirt water onto the target to make the balloon blow up and who ever gets their balloon to pop first wins. 
The bell went off and I have to admit that I was praying fervently during the entire race, which seemed to last forever until FINALLY.................................... 
*MY* balloon popped!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOO. 
I honestly cannot remember the last time I was THAT excited. I am usually not a winner... I don't win races or lotteries or raffles or even the chili cook off at last year's school carnival. 
But I won. For my son. 
And for that shining moment, I was his hero and it felt damned good. :) 

(But a side note... click on the first photo to see it larger and notice the poor Dad at the end... do you see that look on his face? That look of determination and concentration? And then to see him in the last picture, filled with disappointment and heartache... oh that just kills me. I'm sad that he couldn't have won for his son too... well, naaaaah, not really! LOL!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a beautiful day... to jump out of an airplane!

My husband jumped out of an airplane yesterday. And lived to tell about it. :) 
When asked what his favorite part was, he said, "The landing." Ha ha ha. 
So yeah, we got up early in the morning and went with a group out to the drop zone in beautiful North Texas. It was a beautiful day and everyone had fun, except our buddy Wayne, who was supposed to be on the next plane... but didn't get to go because it got too windy and they had to cancel. MAAAAAAAJOR bummer. 
HOWEVER, this means we're all going back on November 2nd, and I guess it'll be MY turn to go! I'm very excited. I asked John if he'd go again, with me, and he said he has NO desire!!!! But he *did* love it and is 1) super happy he did it and 2) super happy it's behind him!!! 
John came home yesterday, went upstairs and was sound asleep within seconds, in what I assume was his post-adrenaline rush crash! Can't say that I blame him since he hurled his body through the air at 120 miles per hour! They jumped from 13,500 feet and it took them about six minutes to touch down. Did you know, when you're free falling, that you are falling the length of a 17-story building, every second???????!!!!!!!!! INSANITY! 
I was out there shutter-bugging away, but won't bother showing you any of MY pictures because there's no way they could compare to THESE!!! I think the camera guy got some great shots. The video is also fantastic and if you'd like to watch it,  go to and just click on John's name.
I'll add more pictures later, but thought the brave (or stupid?) jumper's mother might like to see these ASAP. He's all in one piece Pat... not to worry! He did great. :) 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Stay tuned...

Cinderella (yes, that would be me!) is busy scrubbing toilets and floors today... but tomorrow afternoon I'll have a GREAT post that I know you'll love... so stay tuned!!!!!!! :) 

Thursday, October 9, 2008


When I was grocery shopping today, I had about 18 things bouncing around in my head... I wanted to blog about all of them... and hey, it's "my" blog, so I'll do it if I want to! ;)
First I thought about how we are SO lucky to live in this day and age where we can just go to the store and buy whatever we want. It's all there. We certainly take it for granted. No worrying about killing a dear and trying to figure out how to keep it from spoiling over a long winter with no refrigeration or Tupperware. No eating crazy roots or mealworms because there's nothing else available. And yeah, let the farmers do all the work. I don't know HOW they did it in the 1700s!! 
Okay, so I have food on the brain today, big time. My friend Gillian has inspired me to work on a Meal Plan. Sounds easy enough right? Ha! (How's YOURS coming along, by the way Gillian??!!) So I got out my recipe books and started searching. John has also challenged me to try a NEW recipe, at least once a week. Again, sounds easy enough. Well... it's not. 
There are a lot of great influences in my life when it comes to food, and for that I'm very lucky. My mom is #1. She taught me how to make Julia Childs' hollandaise sauce when I was 8. She grows a lot of her own food and makes it look easy. She makes the meanest fried okra in Texas and she puts a huge hot meal on the plate every night, come hell or high water. She's AMAZING, and all of this without ever really looking at a recipe! Her fridge is always bursting at the seams and OH, she's even SKINNY too and still looks AMAZING in a bathing suit! 
Then there's Anne, my sister in law, who is THE healthiest person I know and is ALWAYS prepared. She's been great helping me learn how to eat SUPER healthy, feel good about it and not feel like I'm being deprived. I love it! Thank you Anne! You're SUCH a good motivator and cheerleader! 
And don't forget my friend, Renee, who puts Martha to shame! She can impress the pants off you with her amazing spreads. She impresses me with the little things, like putting a real vanilla bean in her sugar bowl or bringing you homemade hot chocolate and marshmallows on a cold day. And her crab and corn chowder is TO DIE FOR. She's SUCH a GREAT entertainer too! I ALWAYS look forward to an invitation to dinner at her house. 
So anyway, I went to the store, ALL inspired and excited, with a VERY long grocery list in hand. An hour and 15 minutes later, I arrived at the front ready to check out. I had so many groceries I had to buy MORE reusable canvas bags (THANKS to another friend, HEIDI, for getting me started on THAT!!). So okay, get home and start unloading. Then laughing. 
Um, WHERE am I supposed to put all of this?? WOW. This picture was taken AFTER I'd already put up the eggs, milk, bread, cereal, meat, yogurt, cheese... all that stuff!!! 
Gosh, are you still with me? I told you I had a whole lotta nothing to say today! 
Anyway, I'm excited about my meal plan. I have four meals ALL planned out, with all the ingredients IN the fridge and pantry. And two of them are BRAND NEW! FUN. :) And yummy. If these new recipes are winners, I'll be sure to share!!
Thank you all who have inspired me one way or another!!! I love you all! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"My Toenails Hurt"

I believe the Stork made a mistake. He surely must've dropped off the wrong baby. How can he give a baby that DOES NOT like to sleep to a mother who cherishes her sleep as much as the air she breathes? It must be some kind of sick joke.
Well, wrong baby or not, she is MY baby now. Yes, I'm talking about Kathryn. You know, the child who does not sleep. 
Ever since she was a little bitty baby, she hasn't slept well. The other moms on the playground used to brag about their precious ones, who were sleeping through the night by 3 months of age... my little angel didn't sleep through the night until she was 18 months old, and the first time she did it scared me so bad (cause I was SURE she was dead!) that I sat up the whole next night, watching her sleep to make sure she was still breathing. 
Well, not much has changed. She still requires very little sleep. Much like her father. 
My children have both been warned, on numerous occasions, NOT to wake me up unless they're bleeding from both of their eyeballs. So it's surprising to me how often Kathryn will tempt fate by coming into my room, almost nightly, after I have fallen asleep to tell me:
"My throat hurts" or "my stomach hurts" or "my mouth tastes funny" or "I heard something" or "I'm hot" or "I'm cold" or even, yes, it's true, "my toenails hurt" (apparently I'd trimmed them to short once and the pain was keeping her awake). Ohhhhhhhhhhh Kathryn. 
And when my children are coughing or urping in the middle of the night, I am not like Mary Poppins, gliding in to serve them up some medicine with a spoon full of sugar. I try. I really do try (remember I'm trying to be more like Caroline Ingalls here people!) to have sympathy and be Sweet Mommy, but it's so hard for me at 3 a.m. I'm really MUCH nicer during daylight hours.
So last night Kathryn came into my room at 11 p.m. and woke me up but then got too scared to actually ask her question and so she went back to her room. Uh-unh! I got up and felt a bit like Joan Crawford when she found that wire hangar in Christina's closet. Yeah, it wasn't pretty. I really hate my Mommy Dearest moments. 
I went back to bed and spent the next two hours lying there, WIDE AWAKE, trying to slow my heart rate enough to go back to Dream Land. Wasn't working. Then I was mad that I wasn't sleeping, so that kept me up even longer. Not sure what time I finally drifted back off to sleep.
I *do* love Kathryn. Deeply. More than the moon and stars. Even at 3 a.m. when I'm foaming at the mouth, trying to take care of her. But I wish the child would sleep. Or at least let me sleep. 
Where's the coffee? 

Monday, October 6, 2008

Definitely Half Full...

My glass is more than half full. In fact, on days like today, I feel it actually runneth over. 
I'm adoring my husband today. Truly. Okay, YES, he broke my favorite $30 tweezers trying to pry something open this morning and he's scratching constantly at his disgusting pussing poison ivy rashes (ewwww)... but that's okay. I still love him. Very, very much. 
First of all, he puts up with me and all my nonsense. That, in and of itself, speaks volumes. ;) He is quite patient and always kind and even finds me a bit amusing. 
Today I was loving him, listening to him sing sweet and silly songs to the dog while doing laundry (Yes ladies, I *did* just say doing laundry... see why he's a keeper?!) in the other room and I was loving him while he paid all the bills and installed a new shower head and bustled around while I laid in bed reading, like a lady of leisure. And then I loved him even more when a big package came in the mail and it was for me, from him! He sent me two pounds of chocolate-covered blueberries (my favorite!) for NO reason. The note enclosed said, simply, "Your husband loves you." 
He also happens to be a very good sport. Poor thing has had to listen to me and my girlfriend, Buffi, go on and on (and ON!) lately about our beloved (fictional) Jamie Fraser... the gorgeous, heroic, romantic, sexy Scottish guy from the book series we're hooked on at the moment. We talk a LOT about Jamie and blush like school girls (Gee Buffi, do the tips of our ears turn pink? Sorry... inside joke!) and last night, after a few drinks at dinner, Buffi and I were even giggling over our "Top Five" list (of hunky guys). 
But anyway... I just want John to know that he may not be Scottish or red-headed and he doesn't own a kilt or broadsword, but that's okay, he's still #1 on my Top Five list and I love him just the same. I'll give him ten million kisses, and then ten thousand more. 
THIS is *my* fairytale and a lovely one it is indeed. 

Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm glad it's Friday. Today my campers come home. :) I miss them. And I think they'll be ready to be back in their own beds after sleeping on a two-inch foam pad for two nights. Ouch. 
This picture was taken just as Kathryn, Tom (our neighbor) and John were getting ready to head off to camp Wednesday morning. They were SO excited. 
And tonight is Homecoming so I'm throwing a pre-game party. Fun stuff. 
I know I'm totally behind on good blogging... um, you can blame Facebook for that! HA. My friend got me started on it (nagged me into it!) and now I'm finally "getting" it. It's really fun to find old friends and then better yet, to have people find you! It's addicting. Yesterday my college roomie and I started uploading funny old pictures of each other. What a hoot! And then I came across this one... this was our pet baby racoon, Rocky. Isn't he the cutest? He would climb up on the back of the couch and fall asleep under my hair. Ha ha ha. But he was a rotten little thing. He'd steal and hide ANYTHING shiny (keys!!) and learned how to open the refrigerator! EEK.

So anyway, that's where I've been, in Facebook Land... if you're on Facebook and we're not friends yet, come on over and find me! The more the merrier! :) 
Have a GREAT weekend.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bob the Builder underoos & gum wrappers...

Yes, I'm knee deep in both of them! 
I couldn't seem to get myself motivated to go walking this morning so I decided to burn a few calories "spring" cleaning instead. Feels GREAT and I've gotten rid of TONS of junk (I don't even think Goodwill wants this), including about 45 gum wrappers (no exaggeration!) from Kathryn's drawers and all the underwear that might get Jasper beat up at school... you know, the cute ones with Spiderman, Thomas the Tank Engine or Bob the Builder on them. They are SO adorable and so tiny. Jasper's bum really *is* still that small (he got that from my Dad!) but I think we're movin' on to plain colors for his underwear. I considered saving one cutesy pair (I save EVERYTHING sentimental!) but decided against it. I very reluctantly put them in the trash. But not without a final farewell hug.