My dog Roxie is a morning dog. And this poses a slight problem because I am not a morning person. At least not until after two cups of coffee, then I hit the ground running. But I'm talking early morning... you know, the one while I'm still asleep.
Until a little, cold, slippery nose comes peering over the mattress, into my puffy face, probing and hoping. And funny thing is, it stays there until it feels some movement.
Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm up.
I swing my reluctant feet over the edge and try to find the floor, all the while trying NOT to look at the clock (why make matters worse?), and yet, as grumpy as I truly want to be, I find I can not. Why? Because the most gorgeous little pup is looking at me with those big twinkling happy eyes and boy is she excited that I am FINALLY awake to keep her company. And so, I too am happy.
Roxie wins again.
But now, after watching me drink several cups of coffee and then run around doing chores and feeding children and swapping laundry loads and filling bird feeders and washing dishes, Roxie has decided that she made a grave mistake by waking up so early this morning, so she is catching a nap. Not fair. I want a one too!
And so it goes. Each day. I'm sure I can expect my faithful furry alarm clock to wake me up once again tomorrow, bright and early, but you know what? It's okay by me. :)
And my favorite dog quote:
"Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog."
- Franklin P. Jones
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