Yesterday was one of those days. Nothing special, and yet, I loved it. :)
Here are some snapshots, all from yesterday... to show you what I mean.
Planted some flowers. I think these African Daisies are my new favorites. The colors just blow my mind.

Roxie wasn't really cooperating, as usual. She is, I swear, the CUTEST stinkin' dog you've ever laid eyes on... and yet she's so unphotogenic it's not even funny. She HATES my camera. She's a tough client. Anyway, this one still makes me smile.
And this photo ("Come on, PLEASE, just put your arm around him for ONE second and let me take a picture!") cost me exactly $4 and four pieces of Easter candy. These kids have learned to drive a hard bargain when it comes to photo bribes!!
This is Kathryn explaining to me that I was now OVER my 5-photo limit and so I owed them MORE Easter candy. Ha ha ha.
And this is Jasper's latest obsession... fortune tellers. Do you remember making these as a kid? I used to LOVE them. Funny how little things like this resurface and bring back memories!! Anyway, Jasper discovered that one thing even MORE fun than the regular sized fortune tellers is MINIATURE fortune tellers. We have, with no exaggeration, about 3 dozen of these things all around the house and every five seconds Jasper comes up to you... "Pick a color!!" giggle giggle "Pick a number!" giggle giggle "Pick another number!"
Sometimes you get lucky and get something like "I like you" or "You are cool." But don't be fooled. Most of the time you get something more along the lines of "Your butt is so big that the universe is falling." Ohhhhhhhhkay.
After my "big butt" fortune, Roxie and I decided to go for a stroll in the field across from our house. I almost stepped on a tarantula (ew!) and was trying to lure it back out of its hole so I could take a picture of it when John came driving up from work. Of course, Roxie goes BALLISTIC when she sees him... especially when he races her through the field! She LOVES this game... and she's so beautiful when she's running this fast... just a big black and white blur with a huge grin on her face. It's fun and totally terrifying to watch the race... I'm sooooooo scared that one day Roxie is going to get a little too close to the tire and get squashed... EEK. But she seems to be a pretty good judge...

And they're off! (Click on the photo to see it larger... I didn't have my zoom lens on my camera!)
Uh oh, now she's gaining on him...
Oh yeah!!
Roxie wins again! (John usually lets her win so she'll have good doggie self esteem.) Seeeeee... she is TOTALLY smiling!!!!
That's it. Just little details of my happy day. Just us. Doing what we do. :)

What a great "Day in the Life of Stacy". I totally agree about normal days; maybe that's because, at my age, excitement usually involves paramedics. I have learned to cherish 'non-eventful'.
Hope you have another good one today. It's a wonderful time for hummingbirds, butterflies, and yes even giant spiders. I love spring!
Your life is just about as perfect as it gets!! :)
But wait! Did you say TARANTULA?!?!??! NO WAY!!! I am rethinking my trip to your place tomorrow now!! UGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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