Monday, April 24, 2017


     How does one even go about choosing a breast surgeon and oncologist? Really? Everyone you ask has a different opinion and reading reviews about them online is a little like reading Trip Advisor reviews... it can be a huge time suck and also seems like the only people who take the time to review are the cranky ones who had a bad experience and wanna bitch about it. It's like being in the cereal or tampon aisle at the grocery store... too many choices and it starts to get overwhelming. So let's start with this one... who seems to be the #1 choice of my radiologist...
     Y'all... is this gorgeous child REALLY a highly-qualified life-saving breast surgeon or a contestant on Master Chef Junior??? I don't mean that to sound disrespectful in the slightest... I'm sure she's smart as a whip and I'm sure scored WAY higher than I did on her SATs... but I look at her fresh face and wonder, do I want a crusty old codger who's been doing this gig for 32 years or do I pick a young whipper snapper who is still paying off student loans but is probably more up to date on the latest & greatest treatments and technology? It's a real toss up! But... I like her face. And her smile. She looks sweet. Maybe it'll be nice for me to help her start paying off her student loans. So I'm starting right here with her, Wednesday at 11. I'm going to be craning my neck to look behind her to make sure she's got a fancy diploma framed on the wall... that is if it's back from Michael's yet... cause my Mom pointed out that they can't frame it until the ink dries. LOL. And if I don't like her, I'll pull a Trump and say, "YOU'RE FIRED!" 

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