Monday, March 30, 2009

More Aloha

(Double click on any photo to view full size!)

I TOLD you the hike was a muddy mucky mess! The kids loved it, although poor Kathryn had to work REALLY hard not to ruin her brand new favorite Rocket Dogs!! 
Jasper being, well, Jasper. :) 
Not sure what he's laughing at here, but it sure is cute. 
Walking with Poppa (well, I should say "jogging" because he sets a blistering pace!) to our farewell dinner at Brennake's Beach Broiler.

Hey good lookin!
Ha ha ha Kathryn! I call this "SPF 100." 
OH, look, MORE mud!
Murphy Family Hike. 
Warning: Stopping at too many roadside scenic vistas might make you start to do strange, unexplainable things. ;) 


We're home. Bittersweet. Well, okay, mostly bitter this time! Ha ha ha. We had a FANTASTIC trip and didn't want it to end!
This was our third time in Kauai (THANK YOU TOM AND PAT!!). Can you believe Jasper is only 7 and has already been to Hawaii FIVE times?! 
Anyway, tried to do different things this time. ;) 

Here we are in front of Waimea Canyon. Gorgeous vistas. Very windy! Hold on to your hats. 

Jasper giving me a "look." Not sure what it means, but I liked it. I think he's just experimenting with his face... ANYTHING to avoid having to smile for my camera AGAIN. LOL. He told me on this trip, "Mom, I think you should stop being a photographer." Hee hee.
Kathryn slipped and caught herself with her hand. I was secretly sad she didn't face plant in the muck. Would've been a hysterical (funny) picture, but probably a hysterical (upset) little girl. 
Pretty nutty terrain... lots of tree roots and slippery mud! Jasper thought a lot of the impressions in the trail looked like dinosaur footprints. 
Standing on the edge of the world. Wow. This hike was very surreal... the vegetation was totally prehistoric looking and the views were outrageous! Add a little fog for effect and viola... sensational! I can see why they filmed "Jurassic Park" here!! 

I could've spent an ENTIRE day taking pictures of flowers and foliage! Seriously! I love love love it. This is a fiddlehead fern (thanks Anne for telling me the name!). I love them the best.
Hard to tell from this viewpoint, but if I went sliding off the side of my perch, I'd be heading straight down for a very, VERY long time. My heart was racing as I sat here, but I really wanted the shot. 
And now onto the helicopter ride... INSANE fun. John wanted to go on the "budget helicopter tours" but I said "UN UH, NO WAY." Isn't that like "budget heart surgery?" No thanks. So instead, we opted to spend half a fortune (worth it) and go for this ride. Note there are NO doors on the 5-person helicopter! We THOUGHT that was a good idea so there would be no window to get in between me and my camera, but on second thought (a little too late! LOL!) I think doors may have been nice so my foot and butt cheek wouldn't have been HANGING out the side! Notice how I'm leaaaaaaning as far to the left as I could get! 
I will admit this was far more scary than skydiving! I did NOT enjoy the first 15 minutes, until the girl next to me realized I was frozen stiff with fear (so frozen I couldn't even force myself to let go to take any pictures! She said, "What a shame to have all that camera gear and not take any pictures!") and took her arm and looped it through mine and held on to me for the rest of the flight! What a sweetie! Her kind gesture made a tremendous difference in my enjoyment! I was finally able to pry my fingers off the handle to snap some photos. Now granted, I still wasn't willing to lean out at all, so that's why I got part of the door and my feet in nearly every shot! Bwahaha. Win some, lose some. ;) 
Oh, hmm, look at this, my friend Vicki isn't looking as relaxed all of a sudden... perhaps it's cause we were being knocked around by strong winds as we descended INTO this crater! ACK. It's hard to judge how far you are from the sides (SURROUNDED by waterfalls!). John was even nervous a few times when we'd come up over a ridge... wasn't sure if we'd clear it or not! 
After the flight, our shuttle driver snapped this for us. The yellow things around our waists are inflatable life preserves. Good thing we didn't need them. Oh, just a note... if you ever go on a helicopter tour, do NOT drink coffee that morning! About halfway through the ride, I had to pee so bad I thought I'd die... and it was RAINING and there were gazillions of waterfalls and crashing waves and well... you get the point. ;) 
The children were happy we survived the ride, although Kathryn admitted she was a teensy bit disappointed she wasn't going to inherit my laptop and iPod Touch. 
Getting ready for Date Night. THANKS Tom and Pat! Tom sent us to the Beach House where we sat oceanside and enjoyed a bottle of red wine, macadamia nut crab cakes, seafood chowder, watermelon salad, Ahi tuna (which John ordered "rare as you dare"), Portobello mushrooms and roasted veggies, banana's foster and yummy port. 
This is where I spent most of my time... sitting in this spot on this beach (Poi Pu), lost in the pages of this book. :) PARADISE found!
Kathryn's lovely freckles made their reappearance on this trip. I love them. They are sprinkled all across her nose and cheeks. I think they make her look younger. She's suckin' on a See's butterscotch sucker. Tom always brings them to Kauai and the kids LOVE them! 
In the jungle, the wild jungle, the lion sleeps tonight... come on, sing it with it! :) These leaves were ENORMOUS! Bigger than people! So super cool. Oh, note the difference in color between John and Jasper. Ha! I guess I did a pretty good job slathering up Jasper with SPF 50. He actually came home still pale, although not quite as white as the white Crayon he matched the week before. John was on his own and well, we call him "Lobster Boy."
This photo was taken a split second before that incoming wave crashed over these three dummies! I saw it coming... and was kinda mean cause I said, "Okay wait, just ONE more!" and CRASH... they were drenched! Snicker!! I'm sure they'll get me back someday, somehow. 
Jasper is too cute with his rabbit teeth. 
This is the view from Tom and Pat's condo. It is, without a doubt, one of THE BEST patio views in all of Kauai! 
Kathryn taking Jasper for a ride...
Okay, that's Part One. I need to go figure out what's for dinner and I'll come back and add more! 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break, Chimpanzee Style

I thought you might enjoy seeing some pictures from our spring break. I've really enjoyed the lovely weather, being outside, working in the gardens and having my little chimpanzee children clinging to me every single moment of every single day. 
Here's a picture of me and Jasper, just before lunchtime. Isn't it sweet how he's holding on to my leg? Doesn't he look content? Gosh, I sure would be lonely without him.

And here I am, with Kathryn on my back, heading out to fill the bird feeders. I'm so happy she decided to come along for the ride. I think it's just so sweet that she wants to be on my back all day long!! I'm sorry if I seem like I'm bragging. It's not my intention to make you feel bad.

Oh and I love this next one! I'm glad John was there to capture it with the camera!! Great shot babe! Don't I look happy and rested after a week of rest and relaxation with my clingy children? The bags under my eyes have practically disappeared! It's amazing how refreshed a mother can feel after a week at home with her darling kids. I really think the school district should make spring break longer. It's simply gone by way too fast. 
What WILL I do when the cling ons go back to school? I'm certain I will feel incredibly lonely without them breathing down my neck morning 'til night. *Sigh.* I hate the thought of having to take a bath without someone coming in every four minutes to ask a question. Or gosh, having to watch a whole episode of "Grey's Anatomy" without needing to hit pause 18 times to help someone find their baseball socks or put new batteries in toy. And OH, the HORROR or having to drink an entire cup of hot coffee without my child burrowing his bony knees and elbows into my side. 

I've never understood why some mothers complain incessantly about spring break. What's their problem? I love it! It's really making me look forward to SUMMER break....... ahhhhhhh a whole THREE MONTHS with my faithful cling on kidlettes. GOODIE GOODIE! I can't WAIT! 
Well, I'd love to stay and write more, but I'm feeling the need to go outside and swing from a branch, shrieking at the top of my lungs while I scratch my armpit. "COME ONNNNNNNNN Kathryn and Jasper........... let's GOOOOOOOOOOO!!"

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pigtails & Skinny Jeans

Two tall Starbucks: $7
Four shirts, one pair of shorts and one pair of skinny jeans: $112
Killer new Rocket Dog shoes: $50
Dinner for two at Which Wich: $18
An afternoon spent shopping and giggling in dressing rooms with daughter: PRICELESS

My daughter is on the verge of becoming a Tween. Countdown, T minus 6 months. It seems she already has one foot in Teenagerhood... but thankfully, the other is still firmly planted in Childhood. 
It's funny to watch her teeter between the two worlds. On one hand, she loves her stuffed dog "Murphy," wants to be tucked in at night (sometimes twice), reads the Sunday comics, doesn't eat crust and will still kiss me in public. Ahhh, sweet Childhood. 
On the other hand, she no longer believes in Santa Claus (GASP!), is over the moon excited to get new skinny jeans, sucks in her tummy when looking in the mirror (what woman doesn't?), cares about her hair, worships her neon yellow iPod and reads books with more than 1,000 pages. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't think boys have Cooties anymore.
I suppose I'm lucky because I love both of these girls. I cherish the one who still wants me to do her pigtails in the morning and who will snuggle up with me to watch "Little House on the Prairie." I look at her and can remember, like it was yesterday, the chubby little 3-year-old towhead with the deliciously squeaky voice who used to wear socks as "gloves" when she'd go ride her pink sparkle bike. And yet I adore the one who thinks I'm cool cause I blog, who can cook her own omelette and who has legs a mile long. I look at her and can picture, like it will be tomorrow, the young woman holding a diploma or the woman looking so incredibly radiant in her wedding dress. Sometimes these visions take my breath away and make my heart ache.
I will admit, I feel like I've got my arms wrapped furiously around that ankle that's still in Childhood... I'm holding on for dear life, begging her not to go. Even though she SAYS she doesn't believe in the Tooth Fairy, that fairy will STILL leave her sparkles and pink bubble gum and shiny coins under her pillow. Always. Because the Tooth Fairy loves her and wants her to know that it's a GOOD THING to always hold on to that magic of Childhood... the sense of wonder and innocence, the ability to be silly, even in public view, to go grocery shopping in your pajamas every now and then and to always ask for extra marshmallows for your hot chocolate. 
My sweet Kathryn, I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow and always. 
xoxo Mom (formerly known as "Mommy")

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Musings and Kettle Corn...

A whole big bowl. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH. I'm eating all of it. Two servings worth. It's devilishly good. Feels like I'm seriously porking out... all salty and sweet and crunchy... but it's okay... shhh... don't tell, then I might not like it as much... if I think that it's only 5 grams of fat for the WHOLE huge bowl. CRUNCH!

I'm funky today. A little bored. And a little lonely...

And loving every minute of it. 

Is that thunder or just another plane? Come on storm... all around on the radar is green... but there seems to be this invisible umbrella over Melissa, Texas. The rain just goes all around, but not on us. Come on. Come on. Don't like gloomy gray skies for nothing. If you're gonna do it, then just get on with it already. 

All I hear is my dog softly snoring, the dryer running and some birds sweetly singing. Clock ticking, auto ice tray dumping, my own crunching... and the soft hum of my laptop. Mmmmmm. Delicious calm. 

Hmmm. Where did I put those little potting trays my mom sent? Gotta find those so I can get Jasper's tomatoes started...

I wonder how much time is left on that dryer load? 


When I was a kid, I HATED to be bored. Absolutely, positively, no bones about it, HATED it. And I swear I'm not exaggerating. My mom would be on lying on the couch, reading a book, eating ice, rubbing her feet together (a quirky habit she only did while reading) and doing her best to ignore me while I just sat there harrumphing and staring at her, willing her to jump up and start a craft with me. 

"Go read a book, Stacy." 
Don't want to. 
"Go outside and pick flowers." 
Don't feel like it. 
"Go watch TV." 
Nothing on.
"Go make yourself a snack."
Not hungry.
"Go take a nap."
Not sleepy.
"Go see if the neighbors are home."
They're not. 
"Go play with your dolls."
"Go play with your sister."
Yeah, right.
"Go color."

And so it went. I wanted to SCREAM and throw a hissy fit, but I wasn't really in the mood to do that either. I just wanted to sit and stew in my bored misery and bring everyone else around down with me. I was quite passionate about my boredom... 

Then I grew up and had a kid and I believe since that first slimy beauty plopped out of my body I've been bored exactly three times. This is number three. And I'm loving it. 

Mom, if you were here, I'd leave you alone. I might ask if you wanted some of my kettle corn, but nah, I'm just happy being blissfully bored today, wondering if it's going to rain. Or not. Whatever. I don't care. It's all good. :) 

Friday, March 6, 2009

"Hmmm, let me check my calendar..."

I used to laugh to myself when people would say this to me. I'd think, "Oh sure, gotta check your calendar... whatever." 
But now, I get it. 
John thought I was joking when I said I was going to chart out the next three and a half months on a giant piece of poster board and hang it in the office. Ha ha ha. How little he knows me after 14 years of marriage. ;) 

This poster is still incomplete because what I haven't posted is the kids' practice times once games start. Not sure when those will be yet. But we're basically, I believe, looking at four practices and four games per week. Yes folks, 8 sporting events. Take me out to the ball game baby... every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! I just better not be eating peanuts and Cracker Jacks or I'll gain 17 pounds this season!! That's a lot of bleacher time. 
Throw into this mix a trip to Kauai, the kids' two week summer camp AND our second honeymoon in Ireland... as well as Bunco, office volunteer, Adopt a Pilot, doctor appointments, birthday parties, field trips, homework, errands & chores and what do you have? One tired mama and kids that probably aren't getting near enough fresh veggies in their diets. But SO MUCH GOOD stuff to look forward to... spring break, Kauai, my friend Gillian visiting, Easter, the arrival of my first nephew, kissing the Blarney stone... soooooooooo much excitement!!! As my mom says, "Never a dull moment." I'm really not complaining. I hate being bored. Don't think I have to worry about that for a while.
This is the first time in several years the kids won't be doing swim team and we're sad about that... but there's just no way we could squeeze it in this year. We're not total and complete gluttons for punishment!!
Yup, it's gonna be a crazy ride for the next 16 weeks my friends, so really, if you ask me to do something social and I say, "Hmmm, let me check my calendar..." I'm HONESTLY not trying to blow you off or pull your chain!!! I promise. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring Fever!

"It's spring fever.  That is what the name of it is.  And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"                                                                                                                                     ~Mark Twain

Are you feeling it? I sure am. I have a wicked case of spring fever. I have so many things I'm itching to do and see!! I want to take more pictures like the ones I took above, last year. I want to pick wildflowers and make dandelion wishes. I want to chase butterflies and catch baby frogs and lady bugs. I want to get outside early and stay out late. I want to rock for hours out on the back porch.
It's so impossible to believe that about this time last year we had a crazy crazy snowstorm! But today the weather is supposed to be absolutely delightful so we're going to get outside and plant a ton of seeds and bulbs my mother has harvested and sent to us. Our yard is awakening and budding and stretching its tired limbs... ready to shake off those winter blues and start to party! I can hardly wait. 
My mother has been MIA here lately. She's usually one of my most loyal blog followers, but the call of the dirt is just too powerful and so she's out from dusk 'til dawn. I miss her, but I know she's sublimely happy this time of year.
My mom has always been an amazing gardener. She'll say she's really not, but she's just modest or maybe comparing herself to the wrong people. 
I remember as a child going to nurseries with her, loving the damp smell of earth and the tickle of the misters on my face. Even after my traumatic experience of getting stuck in the electric doors, I still loved when she'd drag me along to the nurseries. I loved getting lost in what felt like a huge, safe jungle. I loved how happy my mom always looked, searching for new "growies" to take home. I also loved that it meant when we got back home we'd get to have a full day outside, basking in the sun, while my mom planted her new finds. 
I'm happy to finally have a yard where I can REALLY garden... I mean, more so than just planting cheap annuals from Lowe's. But it's quite intimidating, so I'm very glad to have my mom as my mentor and cheerleader... and of course, plant identifier! LOL! I'm TERRIBLE with plant names. To me it's just "you know, the one with the long yellow petals or the big orange center?" Drives my mom crazy. But she's patient and kind and willing to help me learn. 
John and Kathryn have been throwing out TONS and TONS of wildflower seeds, so I'm cautiously excited to see how the meadow looks this year... even though we haven't had much rain at all, SURELY SOMETHING will grow? 
Well, I hear the birds starting to sing, so that means it's almost time... "time to go out and get some dirt in my teeth," as my mother would say. 
Hope you all are enjoying this delicious anticipation of spring as much as I am... only 16 more days and we're there!! Happy Gardening!