Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Musings and Kettle Corn...

A whole big bowl. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH. I'm eating all of it. Two servings worth. It's devilishly good. Feels like I'm seriously porking out... all salty and sweet and crunchy... but it's okay... shhh... don't tell, then I might not like it as much... if I think that it's only 5 grams of fat for the WHOLE huge bowl. CRUNCH!

I'm funky today. A little bored. And a little lonely...

And loving every minute of it. 

Is that thunder or just another plane? Come on storm... all around on the radar is green... but there seems to be this invisible umbrella over Melissa, Texas. The rain just goes all around, but not on us. Come on. Come on. Don't like gloomy gray skies for nothing. If you're gonna do it, then just get on with it already. 

All I hear is my dog softly snoring, the dryer running and some birds sweetly singing. Clock ticking, auto ice tray dumping, my own crunching... and the soft hum of my laptop. Mmmmmm. Delicious calm. 

Hmmm. Where did I put those little potting trays my mom sent? Gotta find those so I can get Jasper's tomatoes started...

I wonder how much time is left on that dryer load? 


When I was a kid, I HATED to be bored. Absolutely, positively, no bones about it, HATED it. And I swear I'm not exaggerating. My mom would be on lying on the couch, reading a book, eating ice, rubbing her feet together (a quirky habit she only did while reading) and doing her best to ignore me while I just sat there harrumphing and staring at her, willing her to jump up and start a craft with me. 

"Go read a book, Stacy." 
Don't want to. 
"Go outside and pick flowers." 
Don't feel like it. 
"Go watch TV." 
Nothing on.
"Go make yourself a snack."
Not hungry.
"Go take a nap."
Not sleepy.
"Go see if the neighbors are home."
They're not. 
"Go play with your dolls."
"Go play with your sister."
Yeah, right.
"Go color."

And so it went. I wanted to SCREAM and throw a hissy fit, but I wasn't really in the mood to do that either. I just wanted to sit and stew in my bored misery and bring everyone else around down with me. I was quite passionate about my boredom... 

Then I grew up and had a kid and I believe since that first slimy beauty plopped out of my body I've been bored exactly three times. This is number three. And I'm loving it. 

Mom, if you were here, I'd leave you alone. I might ask if you wanted some of my kettle corn, but nah, I'm just happy being blissfully bored today, wondering if it's going to rain. Or not. Whatever. I don't care. It's all good. :) 

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