Four shirts, one pair of shorts and one pair of skinny jeans: $112
Killer new Rocket Dog shoes: $50
Dinner for two at Which Wich: $18
An afternoon spent shopping and giggling in dressing rooms with daughter: PRICELESS

My daughter is on the verge of becoming a Tween. Countdown, T minus 6 months. It seems she already has one foot in Teenagerhood... but thankfully, the other is still firmly planted in Childhood.
It's funny to watch her teeter between the two worlds. On one hand, she loves her stuffed dog "Murphy," wants to be tucked in at night (sometimes twice), reads the Sunday comics, doesn't eat crust and will still kiss me in public. Ahhh, sweet Childhood.
On the other hand, she no longer believes in Santa Claus (GASP!), is over the moon excited to get new skinny jeans, sucks in her tummy when looking in the mirror (what woman doesn't?), cares about her hair, worships her neon yellow iPod and reads books with more than 1,000 pages. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't think boys have Cooties anymore.
I suppose I'm lucky because I love both of these girls. I cherish the one who still wants me to do her pigtails in the morning and who will snuggle up with me to watch "Little House on the Prairie." I look at her and can remember, like it was yesterday, the chubby little 3-year-old towhead with the deliciously squeaky voice who used to wear socks as "gloves" when she'd go ride her pink sparkle bike. And yet I adore the one who thinks I'm cool cause I blog, who can cook her own omelette and who has legs a mile long. I look at her and can picture, like it will be tomorrow, the young woman holding a diploma or the woman looking so incredibly radiant in her wedding dress. Sometimes these visions take my breath away and make my heart ache.
I will admit, I feel like I've got my arms wrapped furiously around that ankle that's still in Childhood... I'm holding on for dear life, begging her not to go. Even though she SAYS she doesn't believe in the Tooth Fairy, that fairy will STILL leave her sparkles and pink bubble gum and shiny coins under her pillow. Always. Because the Tooth Fairy loves her and wants her to know that it's a GOOD THING to always hold on to that magic of Childhood... the sense of wonder and innocence, the ability to be silly, even in public view, to go grocery shopping in your pajamas every now and then and to always ask for extra marshmallows for your hot chocolate.
My sweet Kathryn, I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow and always.
xoxo Mom (formerly known as "Mommy")
1 comment:
That's beautiful. And Kathryn is beautiful.
And you will always, somewhere in her heart, be "Mommy". Believe me.
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