Friday, December 12, 2008


'Twas the night before our cruise, when all through the house, 
Stacy was really excited to wear her new sequined blouse. 
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, 
Cause when we get home the WHOLE family will be there! 

The children can't wait to eat ice cream all day, 
While into the sunset we go sailing away. 
The next day in my bathing suit and favorite baseball cap, 
I'd just settled down for a long Caribbean nap.

When out on the Lido Deck arose such a clatter, 
I sprang from my chaise lounge to see what was the matter. 
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, 
But John and Grampa and two big frosty beers!

With a smile and a sigh that came oh so quick, 
I knew in a moment it was gonna be a great trip! 
Gramma was relaxing with her new paperback book, 
So happy to know there were no meals to cook. 

And we whistled and sang 
And called out by name... 
Now Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Cozumel, here we come!
For lots of stress-free holiday fun in the sun. 

Kids? What kids? We haven't seen them in days! 
Can't even hear their screams over the warm ocean waves. 
They might be at the Kid's Club or even the arcade... 
I'm sure wherever they are they're very well-behaved. ;)

We'll be happy and plump, right jolly old elves, 
And we'll laugh at the scale in spite of ourselves. 
Cause we'll eat lobster and steak 'til we've got round little bellies, 
That shake when we laugh, like bowls full of jelly!

My iPod and wine is really all that I need, 
Okay, maybe a massage... a nice gentle kneed. 
I'll think of all the people in town still rushing about, 
Shopping and stressing and cursing no doubt. 

As I lay in the sun, knowing all *my* work is done, 
Worrying only "Has the shuffleboard tourney begun?" 
And you'll hear me exclaim as I sail out of sight, 
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

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