And yes, it *is* cold outside!!! WOW. Last night a tornado watch and tonight a chance of snow... welcome to CRAZY Texas weather! Then, of course, it'll be back up to 72 degrees by the end of the week. Ha ha ha. At least the weather never gets boring around here!!!
It is a bit strange this week, listening to Christmas carols and watching for snow while packing bathing suits and flip flops!!! Hard to believe that in just 5 days we'll be sunnin' our buns!! Ohhhhhhh and SCARY buns they are right now!! My Mom called me yesterday and said her whole body looks like a frog belly! LOL! So so so pale. I was trying on clothes today (doesn't every girl deserve a new sparkly top for a cruise!?) and was thinking, "Oh man... no ONE wants to see this pale pale skin on the boat" so yes folks, I'm going in for a nice little spray tan on Friday. Trust me... you'd thank me!!
But anyway... just wanted to pop in and apologize for being such a major blog slacker lately! It's downright embarrassing. I've just been super duper swamped... and sadly my blog is one of the first things to get abandoned, ignored and neglected. I *will* do my best though to share all of my fabulous holiday/cruise stories with you!!!
Hope you're enjoying YOUR holidays so far... now go snuggle up with your favorite honey, cause baby... it's collllllllllld, cold outsiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!!
It's cold here too. In fact, last night it SNOWED!!! (Okay, just 1/4 inch and mainly sleet - but in Central Texas, that qualifies as an all-caps event! And tonight into the 20's. (Listen to us complain - you'd think we lived in Fargo!). Tomorrow, back up to 70 and warm. This is why our closets are always full: you cannot put away ANY clothes that are out of season because in Texas the seasons are totally out of control.
And, yes, I'm excited about cruising. Just four more days! Your Dad is wanting to book shore excursions. I'm passing on the Swim with Stingrays Excursion (call it Steve Irwin Syndrome). The dolphins wouldn't scare me, but the $1900.00 per person cost is somewhat terrifying. Allie wants to do the Horseback Ride on the Beach trip in Jamaica. I just hope she's not disappointed when there's no soundtrack like in the video. Me? I just want to walk in the sand, pick up shells (if that's allowed) and look at the flowers. I haven't seen a fee listed for that activity, but I'm sure there's one hidden somewhere. Other than that I plan to sit by the pool, drink pina coladas, and watch Jasper go down the waterslide for the 800th time. Bliss.
Then off to your house, Stacy, for the big Family Get-together. This will be a Christmas we'll always remember. Thank you for all you've done (and are going to do!).
Back to packing...
Love, Mom
I am up at 230 am thinking about our cruise, and my to do list. J
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