Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe.
- lyrics by Anna Nalik
I'm sitting here with the phone on speaker. I've been on hold for 56 minutes, waiting for someone at the tax offices to answer so I can get my tax forms done. I feel a mini meltdown coming on. I need the carpets cleaned and my taxes done and I'm watching a squirrel pig out on our "squirrel proof" feeder and there are blue lint balls ALL over my house from my new fuzzy pajamas and well, I'm just feeling ick.
Anytime I start to feel these little heart palpitations (panic attack coming on!) I think of this song and tell myself... just breathe!
So since I'm on hold, I started reading some of my favorite blogs. One is by a woman in Australia who tragically lost her 3-year-old daughter two years ago to a freak accident. Part of me wishes I'd never stumbled upon this blog because to read it just absolutely rips my heart into shreds. I cry and cry and cry while I read it. Every time. And yet it so incredibly and lovingly and honestly written that I cannot stay away. I learn so much from it and I go there when I need a good cry and when I need to be reminded to not sweat the small stuff.
Only right now I'm sitting here with a red, runny nose after my good cry, not feeling too much better, and wanting to go take my kids out of school so I can just hug them and tell them I love them.
I cannot imagine a day without my children. I love them so intensely it's almost frightening.
So now, instead of having a nervous breakdown over silly stuff like taxes and carpet and fuzz balls, I'm just thinking of my sweet children and the things they do that make me smile. This picture of Jasper makes me grin. He's such a good kid. I love that he loves to read, just like his Daddy. I love that when he's reading, you cannot get his attention for the life of you, just like his Daddy. I love that he still wants to sneak into my bed in the wee hours of the night.
I just love my kids to bits and pieces.
Anyway, if you'd like to read the blog I mentioned, email me and I'll send you a link.
Hope you're all having a good day... and if you're not, well, just breathe...
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