Friday, January 16, 2009

You Like Me! You Really Like Me!

Remember Sally Fields accepting her Oscar for best actress in "Places in the Heart?" That's what she said... "You like me, you really like me!" Ha. Love that! 
That's how I feel when I look at my blog following. A little shocked, and a little giddy. Gosh, it's truly humbling. 
I never thought anyone would really care about my blog. I pretty much do it for myself... a little creative outlet, not as serious as a diary, but simply a place to put down some random thoughts that are constantly knocking around inside my head. 
But wow... I want to thank all of you for reading! Makes me feel great. Here's a map of my followers... you know who you are... THANK YOU! You guys just keep stroking my ego and I'll just keep blogging!! Deal? 

(Double click on map to enlarge and see if you can find yourself!!)

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