"David After the Dentist"
You guys have probably all seen the You Tube video clip of young David riding home in the backseat of his patents' car after getting his wisdom teeth removed? Right? Poor kid was gorked out of his mind! Let's just say my post-anesthesia version might have been pretty amusing as well (THANK GOD no one had an iphone!) There's no evidence. Ha Ha. But I DO apologize for all the "drunk" texting I did last night!!!!! Oh dear.
It was VERY strange stepping into the Twilight Zone yesterday. They pumped me full with so much *good* medicine that I don't remember ANYTHING about the surgery or being taken back to my recovery room or riding home or even BEING home for the first 5 hours! LOL! I was WHACKED. John and the kids gave me a play by play and I think Kathryn got a real kick out it!
I am still a bit woozy this morning despite the little patch they put behind my ear. Let's just say I still could NOT pass a sobriety test! That's okay thought because I plan to milk this recovery day for all it's worth!! :)
Oh, you're probably here wondering HOW DID THE SURGERY GO? According to John's chat with the surgeon afterwards (I wasn't there... or maybe my body was but my brain sure wasn't!)... she was THRILLED with the surgery and thinks she got most of what she wanted OUT of there! YIPPEEEE! So yup, surgery went fine and I'll be anxious to go to my post-op checkup on Thursday to hear all the pathology reports. (Now we just hope and pray it didn't find its way into the lymph nodes!)
My boob/armpit is fine. Throbbing a little an uncomfortable, but NO PAIN, so I'm thrilled!!
SOOOOO happy to have that day behind me!!!!!! John was a perfect gentleman too.
Thanks for all the sweet texts and words of encouragement and prayers you guys sent me throughout the day. :) I felt like EVERYONE was by my side!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!
Oh and other good news... my genetic cancer test came back NEGATIVE!!!! Which means Kathryn isn't going to be losing any extra sleep over it anymore. HUGE RELIEF for both of us.
Wonderful news. All the way around. BIG smoochies to you!
So glad to hear it went well. ❤
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