Well my friends, what can I say? I'm officially a Bad Ass. :)
Sorry to brag, but it's true.
This past weekend, I spent five hours tottering around on six-inch heels and THEN I jumped out of an airplane at 14,000 feet... and I didn't kill myself doing either one! MIRACULOUS!
What a crazy fun weekend! Unbelievable.
If anyone had told me I'd be caught dead in public in that naughty elf costume or that I'd actually go through with skydiving (sure, it's EASY to talk about it, but entirely different to actually DO it! LOL!), well, I might have thought they were off their rocker.
But I did both. And lived to tell about it.
Skydiving is insane people. Seriously insane. And so it makes sense that anyone who is willing to do it more than once is, well, an INSANE PERSON! HA HA HA HA.
I am so super duper glad I did it, but I doubt I'll ever feel the need to do it again! ;) No thanks. I'm good.
I'm laughing that people told me the free fall feels like floating in water. I'm guessing these people have never actually BEEN in a pool or any other body of water. To me, it actually felt like I was FALLING... at a rate of 120 MPH!!! No floating sensation here thankyouverymuch! 120 MPH is fast. Really fast. And that means a TON of pressure on your face and body. It's slightly violent and pretty uncomfortable! It's also kinda hard to breathe!!! I had to focus very hard on that part.
My dive instructor was great though. So calm and cool and collected and reassuring and wonderful. I think I love him. ;) He truly made my experience so much better!!
So yeah, the free fall. Just totally insane crazy amazing. What a rush!!! It was THE longest minute of my ENTIRE life!!!! I'll never forget it.
The GOOD thing is the whole experience, while you're doing it, like sitting in this teensy little toy plane, going up and up and up and up, seems so surreal that you almost don't really GET that you're actually DOING it. Almost an out-of-body experience for me... THANK GOD... cause I think if I'd been more coherent, I might have freaked out, just a little. ;)
So free fall was crazy. Did I already mention that? I guess this is the adrenaline rush that keeps people coming back for more. But for me, once the canopy opened (OH PRAISE GOD thank you so very much!!!) I really began to enjoy myself. Talk about RELIEF! Whew!!! I almost cried because I felt so euphoric!!! I've never been so happy in my life! HA HA HA. Well, until my feet touched the GROUND and then I was truly, utterly, ecstatically happy!!!!!!!
I'm glad our cousin Holly talked us into it. I'm glad John and I both did it. I'm also quite glad neither of us seem to have the urge to do it again.
Now do I think *YOU* should do it? ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY!!! You won't regret it!!!
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