I am not really a huge fan of Halloween because I can't stand the battles over candy that erupt in our house for weeks after trick-or-treating. But really, who can deny kids this holiday? What kid doesn't love going door to door begging for candy? So I refuse to be too much of a spoil sport.
What I do love about Halloween is how it brings out the silliness in most people! I was up at the school yesterday, donning my cat ears, sparkly eyeshadow and black and orange striped tights... and looking around at all the other grown ups dressed as Cat in the Hat characters just made me smile. I guess the holiday really does still bring out the kids in us. :)
My kiddos had lots of opportunities to dress up this week... two parties (Superman and pirate) and the wax museum (Johnny Appleseed) and then trick-or-treating last night (Draco Malfoy and the Sunday comics). Fun stuff. They are still at the neighbors' house this morning, after an impromptu sleepover. I don't even want to KNOW how much candy they ate last night, unsupervised, surrounded by mountains of sugary sweets. Hmmm, do you think they brushed their teeth? Now THAT is a scary thought!!
1 comment:
I didn't see that cat picture of you. MEOW! I like it. Please fwd to me. JEM
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