I am 38 today.
I am glad.
I am laughing and healthy and comfortable in my skin.
I am happy I still get butterflies in my stomach when I hear John's truck pulling into the driveway.
I am the luckiest mother I know. By far.
I am blessed beyond words.
I am wrinkly.
I am in love with my doggie.
I am excited for the holidays!
I am going on a cruise in 20 days.
I am sentimental and sappy.
I am addicted to coffee creamer but not to coffee.
I am not good at Sudoku but I kick ass at the word jumble.
I am a dreamer.
I am pleased that if I were still only 18 and looked into a crystal ball and saw this as my future that I'd still be quite happy and satisfied.
I am amazed I don't feel like a grown up just yet.
I am anxious to meet my new nephew.
I am loving the journey.
I am surrounded by the bestest friends in the whole wide world... both near and far!
I *am happy* on my birthday.
I am me and there's no one else I'd rather be!
(Photo by Kathryn, November 23, 2008)
Happy, HAPPY birthday to my favourite Stacy of alllllll times! I love you dearly and soooooo wish we could spend your birthday together!
I love your list and I'm so glad that you are happy and content - one of the best presents! :)
BIG hugs to the birthday girl! xoxoxoxo
Happy Birthday Stacy!
I love your poem. Go girl!
You were the world's sweetest baby, the cutest toddler, the most precocious grade-schooler, and (all too quickly) an ultra-cool college kid.
Now you're all grown up.
And I like you even more than ever before; you know I've always loved you dearly, so that's saying a lot.
I'll always be the parent and you'll always be the child.
But now we're friends. Which shows that we were both successful in our respective roles.
I love talking and laughing with you everyday. I respect you, I'm proud of you, and I treasure you.
I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday - and wish you many more.
Love, Mom
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