- Winston Churchill
Change is coming, just as quickly as the leaves are falling from the trees outside my window. It is a little daunting, but I am praying that our future president will lead us in the right direction.
I have never been truly fond of change. Actually, I don't mind CHANGE, I just don't much like the CHANGING. Does that make sense? Okay, like I have always been really envious of girls like Winona Ryder, who can change their hairstyle and color monthly. I was NEVER like that. Those of you who have known me my whole life know that I've had about four hairstyles, and usually go back to the same one I had in Kindergarten, sans the bangs. I'm the one who sits in the chair at the hair salon, sweating profusely. The changing makes me a nervous wreck. But usually, once the foils are off and the hair is dry and I'm walking out the door with my fresh highlights, I'm happy as a clam.
Change is good.
I love to paint rooms though. I've painted dozens of rooms and I do it often. I bore of the same color and crave change. But painting rooms is safe. If you don't like it, you just paint right over it. Maybe that's why I like it so much. That, and the instant gratification you get from rolling that new color over the old.
Yes, change is good.
So I'm nervous about Obama because this is a little more serious than just a new hairstyle or paint job. I personally did not vote for him, yet as an American, I will support him even though I'm nervous about WHAT things will be like after all of this CHANGE he's talking about. But I realize that since our country seems to have nearly hit rock bottom, there's really only one way to go... and that's up! I hope Obama brings GOOD change to this country. Heaven knows we need it. I'm a bit sweaty in the palms about it this morning... but I suppose that's because it still remains unseen and unknown. I've always kindof agreed with whole notion of, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," but it IS broken people, and we DO need to fix it. Hopefully Obama is the man to help us do just that.
Change is good.
We hope.
Well said... J.
Change doesn't happen overnight.
What a poised, calm and intelligent man we have now to give it a try! My eyes teared up as I was walking through my neighborhood this morning when amongst ALL the yard signs made by a company that there was a small child-made sign on a door that had a peace sign for the O in Obama! It warmed my heart!
Like you, I did not vote for Obama. I have doubts about his proposals, and his ability to carry out his campain rhetoric. But, I have been impressed by his ability to communicate to the citizens of America, and have been awed by the way he has inspired so many people. The gathering in the park during his acceptance speach was moving. I hope and pray that he does not let down the masses of people that he has inspired. Please don't let him turn out to be another ordinary politician.
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