Today John and I celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary!! Fourteen years since the magic moment above. This photo is my favorite from our wedding day because it was not posed. It was taken just before the ceremony and was the first time John saw me in my dress . We didn't even know the photographer was hiding in the back of the room. We thought we were all alone. I love it. I also love that I was standing two steps up from the floor, so I'm as tall as John! HA.
That means...
14 years of my life spent with the most incredible man I've ever met.
14 years of laughing every time I'm around him.
14 years of feeling lucky every single day, because of him.
14 years of feeling incredibly secure and well-cared for by him.
14 years of hoping his good nature will rub off on me.
14 years of extreme pleasure having a GOOD LOOKIN' man in my bed. (Sorry Mom!)
14 years of wondering how I got the nerve to ask him to dance... and being INSANELY GLAD I did!
14 years of enjoying almost always being right. Hee hee. And I was RIGHT again for choosing HIM. That was my BEST "being right" ever!
14 years of harmony, with so few real fights I can literally count them on one hand... and those are still ridiculous enough to have erupted over a toilet plunger, Jimmy Buffet and Jasper's homework! LOL!
14 years of utter certainty that we'll grow old together, unless death takes us first.
14 years of feeling very short (and even somewhat dainty!) standing next to him.
14 years of getting to warm my freezing cold hands on his belly.
14 years of him flirting with me through the windshield while he washes it at gas stations.
14 years of more AMAZING memories than I could ever explain!!!!
14 years of being impressed that he puts on snow chains without ever a single complaint, only laughter.
14 years (or roughly 5,113 mornings) of waking up thinking, "Cool, I get to be Mrs. Murphy again today."
14 years of never regretting saying "I do."
14 years of knowing I'd do it all again.
I love you John. Certainly 14 times more than I did the day I married you... and that was already a lot, so you can only imagine...
I look forward to our next 14 years together. If they're anywhere near as wonderful as the first 14, I *KNOW* I will enjoy every last bit of it. I love being your wife. :)
Yours forever and then some,
You look sooo cute in your wedding dress! I see Kathryn in that photo! Wow, John looks smashing, as well! You guys are adorable - congratulations to 14 years of bliss. xo
I knew the very first time that I met John that he was THE one for you. And you knew it too. Fourteen years later I can only say that I love him more each and every day for what he does for you and for the joy he has brought to our family. He's a jewel.
He deserves you - and vice versa.
We adore you, John. You and Stacy are the perfect couple. The addition of your two adorable children make you the perfect family.
Many congratulations to both of you on this wonderful day.
We love you both dearly. You make us proud. You make us smile. And you make us say, "Life is good."
Love, Mom and Dad
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