I'm getting ready to host a cozy dinner party... and I'm wearing a pink shirt. For those of you who know me well, you know that's a big deal (the shirt, not the dinner). I don't *do* pink. I don't much care for pink. Never have. There's one day a year where I'll tolerate it... and that's on Valentine's Day! Ha ha ha.
Sorry Gillian (my friend Gillian LOVES pink and SHOULD because well, she's just beautiful and super ultra feminine and sweet and has THREE darling little girls, so she's GOTTA love pink, plus with a nickname like Gigi, well, it's a must!!). Gillian probably won't speak to me for a week after I write this, but here goes anyway (if she's as forgiving as she is sweet, she won't take it personally that I can't stand her favorite color!)...
I don't like pink.
There. I said it.
I look HIDEOUS in pink.
I don't like pink wine.
Or pink lemonade.
Or pink flowers.
Or pink slips.
Or even pink cotton candy. I mean, if you can't CHEW it, then what's the point?
Okay, in all fairness, and to protect my beloved friendship with Gillian, I've been brainstorming and WAS able to come up with TWO WHOLE THINGS that I like that are pink. Very pink, in fact. :) The first is my cherry blossom trees!!! SUPER ULTRA MEGA pink (as Jasper would say) and I love and adore them. Also, Trident sugarless bubble gum. I'm horribly addicted to it... and it's also as pink as it gets.
But otherwise, there's just no real pink in my life. I had to actually go out and BUY a pink shirt for Valentine's Day. Not sure what possessed me to do that. I usually just wear red on Valentine's Day and all my decorations are red and white. But for some weird reason, I wanted a pink shirt for today. :) I'll be sure to get a picture of me in it for you Gillian, cause it's probably the only chance you'll ever get to see me in a pink shirt!
Not sure why I felt compelled to write all that... maybe my "true confession" since one of my best friends of all times is a Pinkaholic and so I feel awful harboring these horrible thoughts against the color. Just wanted to get it off my chest, once and for all. Is it really such a bad thing that pink makes me want to puke??? LOL. ;)
Okay, and just in time for Valentine's Day, I received a little Blog Love in my inbox today. These two ladies are some of my Mom's dearest friends... and they're so very sweet. :) Thanks ladies for the warm fuzzies...
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Hey, Stacy!!!! You really need to put ALL of this on paper! You are an awesome writer!! You have more talent in your little fingers than most of us have in our entire bodies!! You are defintely your mother's daughter! I appreciate the fact that she turned me on to your blog, as it's a KICK to anticipate the next "installment"!! Keep up the GOOD WORK!!! You have no idea how many lives you are touching!
Love & Respect,
Love & Respect,
Have spent an hour trying to put your blog in my favorite places. I can and did read every word and enjoyed it all. Seems to me your strong suit is: Love of your family and special friends, photography, fantastic way with words, in no particular order. Not to mention a wonderful Mother, wife, daughter and aunt- what more could one want? Talked to your Mom yesterday... she is so proud of you and rightfully so. Love, Patti
Oh my gosh! I am shocked! And I am going to totally cancel my trip out to Texas not that I know this horrific news ......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girl, you know I would love you no matter if you loved or hated pink - I just hope you don't hate seeing all my pink stuff/photos/website/blog/clothes all the time!
I love you tons and I cannot WAIT to come visit in April!! Wahooo! But watch out - I have a pink suitcase coming with me! Eeekk!
Oh, the horror!!
P.S. Where is the photo of you wearing PINK?! I want some proof!
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