I've heard that the first step toward breaking a terrible addiction is admitting that you HAVE an addiction.
Hi. My name is Stacy and I'm a lotion-aholic. ;)
John teases me incessantly about this. Not sure what bothers him most... me coming to bed smelling like a fruit basket every night or cleaning out my glove box and finding 8 bottles of lotion stuffed in there. Hmmm. Probably a toss up! LOL!
Yes. I love lotion. Any kind. Can you tell? (This is just my UPSTAIRS stash, by the way!) Body butters are particularly good! And anything that smells like food, especially desserts. Did you know I even change my moisturizers with the seasons? Yup. It's true. See, I told you I was sick!
I like to use my Candy Cane or Gingerbread Juicies during the holidays. Apple Torta and Mocha Mint are also good on cold days. In the summer, I'm all about coconut. I've got Coco Cabana, Tropical Colada, Coconut Melon, Coconut Lime Verbena... well, you get the picture.
But my ALL-TIME faaaaaaaaavorite is Oatmeal Cookie by Bed Head. Um, YUM! I love to just lie in bed at night and smell myself. LOL.
Yes, a terrible addiction indeed.
I must have these ooey gooey things near me at all times. If I don't, I might actually freak out just a little bit. John's seen it. It's not pretty. But as long as I'm armed and ready, I'm good. And there's just nothing better than cracking open a new jug of lotion!!! Mmmm. Love it.
John has challenged me... to see if I can resist buying another container of lotion until ALL these are gone. Ohhhhhhhhhh babe... yeah, um, that's a toughie! I don't think I'm up for that challenge. Sorry.
And let's not even get started on my lip balm addiction. That will have to wait for some other time. ;)