You can see Jasper's general feeling for the day...

(Click on pictures to view larger)
Yes, Jasper and I had quite the bonding moment. The poor kid had spent his entire wad of money playing games in the midway, trying like hell to win himself a stuffed Pokemon. The kid is Pokemon CRAZY right now. He really, REALLY wanted that thing.
So he tried. And tried again. And again.
John kept telling me what a great "lesson" it was for him and all the while my heart was just BREAKING!
Fast forward to the last hour of our time at the fair. Back we go to the midway so Jasper can have his last shot at the elusive Pokemon... when all of a sudden he turns to me and says, "Mom, I want you to try it for me."
OHHHHHHHHHHHH THE PRESSURE people!!! This was his LAST 6 credits... and the LAST chance to win.
I was praying that no Dads sat down to compete with me. It was one of those games where you all squirt water onto the target to make the balloon blow up and who ever gets their balloon to pop first wins.
The bell went off and I have to admit that I was praying fervently during the entire race, which seemed to last forever until FINALLY....................................
*MY* balloon popped!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOO.
I honestly cannot remember the last time I was THAT excited. I am usually not a winner... I don't win races or lotteries or raffles or even the chili cook off at last year's school carnival.
But I won. For my son.
And for that shining moment, I was his hero and it felt damned good. :)
(But a side note... click on the first photo to see it larger and notice the poor Dad at the end... do you see that look on his face? That look of determination and concentration? And then to see him in the last picture, filled with disappointment and heartache... oh that just kills me. I'm sad that he couldn't have won for his son too... well, naaaaah, not really! LOL!)
Love this freaking story! You rock
Jasper will forget a lot of things over the years. But not this. You made a lifelong memory for him. I am so proud of you for: a. stepping up to the plate and b. knocking it out of the park. Way to go!!!
love it!! i agree, you freaking rock!!
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