I had a rotten day. You don't even want the sordid details. Just know it was utterly rotten.
But then, I looked out the window this evening and noticed that the whole yard seemed to be glowing. A perfect, soft, post-storm golden glow. It looked as if King Midas himself had gone through with his magic, golden touch, setting the leaves and grass on fire. It was a lovely sight to behold. A perfect example of why dusk is my favorite time of day.
Since the light was glorious, the photographer in me told me to grab my camera and take this opportunity to snap some pictures of my chrysanthemums for my mother.
As I was walking toward the garden, I happened to glance down and when I did, my breath got caught in my throat.
I don't know exactly what it was about this little golden omen that just set my soul right, but it did. This simple scene, randomly set in my backyard, had the power to erase all the memory of misery in my day. I was at total peace, once again astounded at the beauty around me and of this place I am so blessed to call home.
The little omen was especially meaningful to me because I love hearts. I love to doodle hearts. I love heart-shaped jewelry. I love to listen to my husband's heartbeat while I snuggle with him in bed. And I collect heart-shaped rocks. Bet ya didn't know that. Yes, I love hearts. And I loved this lovely, simple reminder of what truly matters in life. :) Whoever put it there for me this evening, I thank you and want you to know that it worked its magic splendidly!
(P.S. - You GOTTA double click the picture above to see it bigger! It's pretty cool, but this little version doesn't do it justice!)
Hi honey. I had a tomato & avocado salad with a cumin-spiced vinagarette (sp?) dressing. . . but then saw the man next to me eating a lobster/shrimp/crab cake selection and so ordered that, too. Great picture! J. XOXO.
Sorry about the bad day... BUT, this picture makes me even more excited to come this weekend!! It's harvest here... Dust!...Ugh!
blow it up huge and hang it on the wall! what a gorgeous shot and a great reminder :)
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