This morning I had the pleasure of starting my day off by falling down the stairs. I guess that's what you get when you go down wood steps in the dark, half asleep, wearing fuzzy socks. But the bummer about it was that I was holding my laptop... so of course I sacrificed my body to save my beloved $3,000 Mac. I sat at the bottom of the stairs, taking a mental inventory... my foot hurt and my ankle, my finger, my back and my neck (Kathryn asked if my butt hurt, but nope, with all that cushion, it was just fine, thankyouverymuch).
Yeah, Good Morning. Whatever.
I was thinking how cruel it was that my crap ass day yesterday was going to carry over into this day. Uncool. But then it struck me... the full moon! That's it! Kathryn's studying the moon phases in science at school (they get to nibble Double Stuff Oreos into the shape of the moon! FUN!) and she did tell me, "You know Mom, the moon is STILL there even during the day."
So that's the trouble. The full moon was still there, even during the day! (Okay, okay, so it's only like 98% full right now, but work with me here people!)
Yesterday was bad enough... a ROUGH morning (too many details to rehash) followed by getting DRENCHED in a downpour as I took my groceries to my car followed by almost getting smeared by an out-of-control semi on the highway (seriously close call!!!!!!!!!!!)... you get the point. Even my glitter glue ran on my carnival poster! WAH!
So, I deserve a better day today. Falling down the stairs at 6:12 a.m. was definitely not in the plan.
I decided not to let it get me down and that a nice jog with the dog would straighten things out. Usually does. I got ready to go and Roxie took one look at my sports bra and running shoes and went absolutely ballistic with excitement. That always bolsters my mood. :)
So off we go...
I'm enjoying that satisfying sound of gravel under my feet as I keep pace with Rusted Root on my iPod. It's about 58 degrees and the air is crisp and clean... leaves are falling around us and there are butterflies everywhere. Roxie is light on the leash and I'm full of energy. And as I'm walking and thinking (I do a LOT of thinking while I'm walking!) I realize that despite a few bumps in the road, I'm in my Happy Place. I've had many periods in my life where I spent too much time looking forward or backward, wishing things could change or go back to the way they were. But I realized this morning that I am at this perfect place, where I am totally satisfied with Right Now, in body, mind and soul. I was thinking about how I could read this blog 20 years from now and say to myself, "Ahhhhh yes, those were good times for sure." I like my Happy Place and I think I'll just stay here for as long as I can. You're welcome to come join me!! The welcome mat is officially rolled out for you. Come on in! I always say, the more the merrier!
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