Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bob the Builder underoos & gum wrappers...

Yes, I'm knee deep in both of them! 
I couldn't seem to get myself motivated to go walking this morning so I decided to burn a few calories "spring" cleaning instead. Feels GREAT and I've gotten rid of TONS of junk (I don't even think Goodwill wants this), including about 45 gum wrappers (no exaggeration!) from Kathryn's drawers and all the underwear that might get Jasper beat up at school... you know, the cute ones with Spiderman, Thomas the Tank Engine or Bob the Builder on them. They are SO adorable and so tiny. Jasper's bum really *is* still that small (he got that from my Dad!) but I think we're movin' on to plain colors for his underwear. I considered saving one cutesy pair (I save EVERYTHING sentimental!) but decided against it. I very reluctantly put them in the trash. But not without a final farewell hug. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're hugging underwear now? What's next? Just kidding. I think we could ALL use a dose of that thorough cleaning! Good for you!
