My husband jumped out of an airplane yesterday. And lived to tell about it. :)
When asked what his favorite part was, he said, "The landing." Ha ha ha.
So yeah, we got up early in the morning and went with a group out to the drop zone in beautiful North Texas. It was a beautiful day and everyone had fun, except our buddy Wayne, who was supposed to be on the next plane... but didn't get to go because it got too windy and they had to cancel. MAAAAAAAJOR bummer.
HOWEVER, this means we're all going back on November 2nd, and I guess it'll be MY turn to go! I'm very excited. I asked John if he'd go again, with me, and he said he has NO desire!!!! But he *did* love it and is 1) super happy he did it and 2) super happy it's behind him!!!
John came home yesterday, went upstairs and was sound asleep within seconds, in what I assume was his post-adrenaline rush crash! Can't say that I blame him since he hurled his body through the air at 120 miles per hour! They jumped from 13,500 feet and it took them about six minutes to touch down. Did you know, when you're free falling, that you are falling the length of a 17-story building, every second???????!!!!!!!!! INSANITY!
I was out there shutter-bugging away, but won't bother showing you any of MY pictures because there's no way they could compare to THESE!!! I think the camera guy got some great shots. The video is also fantastic and if you'd like to watch it, go to http://skydivedallas.com/videos/videos.php and just click on John's name.
I'll add more pictures later, but thought the brave (or stupid?) jumper's mother might like to see these ASAP. He's all in one piece Pat... not to worry! He did great. :)
1 comment:
...and my daughter wants to do it for a living... ugh! J.
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