I suppose it's that time of year... the time for wish lists. Here it is, not even Halloween, and Jasper has already handed me HIS Christmas wish list. Well, I suppose it'll help me get a head start on my shopping! HA. Trouble is, he's likely to change his mind 18 times before Christmas morning arrives! He's been known to do that. ;)
Jasper's 2008 Christmas Wish List:
* $100 bill
* a very long rope
* whipped cream
* electronic Pokeball
* Pokemon card pack
* Bakugan superpack
* Lego theatre set
* fish Webkinz
* spy robot
* electric guitar
* my very own puppy (make sure it's house trained)
* Kirby super star ultra for DS lite
* pie
* Ben 10 watch
* pen knife
* Pokemon Orange Island DVD
LOL... gosh, do you think he missed anything??!!
What's on YOUR wish list? Do you remember what your FAVORITE gift was that you ever received? I do! Mine is my Rub-a-Dub dolly!! Remember her? The "Rub-a-Dub Dolly, soft pretty dolly" doll?
Ohhhhhhhhhh I wanted one SO bad when I was little. That's like ALL I wanted for Christmas. Every time I'd see the commercial I'd just go CRAZY. And I didn't get it. :( I think I was sad for three years after that.
Well, two years ago, I got quite a treat... on Christmas morning, we were opening gifts and it was my turn. I ripped into a gift from my mom and guess what it was? YUP. My VERY OWN VINTAGE RUB-A-DUB DOLLY, still in her original box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I literally burst into tears! John had NO idea why I was crying over this frightening balding doll... but I swear I felt like I was 5 years old again! WOO HOO! My mom admits that she didn't really buy it for me out of love, but rather to shut me up so I'd let her off my 32-year-long guilt trip! Bwahahahahaha!
No, I haven't taken a bath with her, but she sits in my closet and I smile every time I see that box, and think of my mom and how much she loves me. :) :) THANKS MOM! You're the best!
I'm just glad it wasn't a live pony that you wanted but didn't get.....
I love you too, Sweetie. Sorry it took me so long to cross that item off your list.
I never saw the list! JEM
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