My glass is more than half full. In fact, on days like today, I feel it actually runneth over.
I'm adoring my husband today. Truly. Okay, YES, he broke my favorite $30 tweezers trying to pry something open this morning and he's scratching constantly at his disgusting pussing poison ivy rashes (ewwww)... but that's okay. I still love him. Very, very much.
First of all, he puts up with me and all my nonsense. That, in and of itself, speaks volumes. ;) He is quite patient and always kind and even finds me a bit amusing.
Today I was loving him, listening to him sing sweet and silly songs to the dog while doing laundry (Yes ladies, I *did* just say doing laundry... see why he's a keeper?!) in the other room and I was loving him while he paid all the bills and installed a new shower head and bustled around while I laid in bed reading, like a lady of leisure. And then I loved him even more when a big package came in the mail and it was for me, from him! He sent me two pounds of chocolate-covered blueberries (my favorite!) for NO reason. The note enclosed said, simply, "Your husband loves you."
He also happens to be a very good sport. Poor thing has had to listen to me and my girlfriend, Buffi, go on and on (and ON!) lately about our beloved (fictional) Jamie Fraser... the gorgeous, heroic, romantic, sexy Scottish guy from the book series we're hooked on at the moment. We talk a LOT about Jamie and blush like school girls (Gee Buffi, do the tips of our ears turn pink? Sorry... inside joke!) and last night, after a few drinks at dinner, Buffi and I were even giggling over our "Top Five" list (of hunky guys).
But anyway... I just want John to know that he may not be Scottish or red-headed and he doesn't own a kilt or broadsword, but that's okay, he's still #1 on my Top Five list and I love him just the same. I'll give him ten million kisses, and then ten thousand more.
THIS is *my* fairytale and a lovely one it is indeed.
I love you, too, Stacy. XOXO.
You are sooooooooo lucky. And I am too, cause he's also the World's Greatest Son-In-Law. I just adore that guy!
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