Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Aw, Come On... How Hard Can It Be?

This post is dedicated to everyone who has ever been on the other side of my camera. ;) 

Seriously. How hard can it be people? You just stand there and look good and let *me* do all the work. You have the easy job. I am the one who has to figure out f-stops and compositions and lighting and shutter speeds and ISOs and flattering angles... really... all YOU have to do is just stand there. 
Easy Peasy. 


LOL. Oh gosh. Now I know why I was meant to be a photographer... because I am SO much more comfortable BEHIND a camera rather than in FRONT of a camera!!!! Ohhhhhhhh I cannot stand having my picture taken! And I'll be the first to say it's NOT as easy as it seems! 

So last night John and I were getting ready to head out to the Southwest Airlines Spirit Party in Dallas and John suggested we run out and let Kathryn snap a few pictures of us in our field. I'm always saying how I'd LOVE to have a nice romantic picture in this lovely meadow before the leaves fall... so okay, sure, let's do it. No problem. 


What a scene. Too bad someone wasn't videotaping it! Oh my gosh. I was laughing hysterically. First I decided we should SIT in the tall grass. I mean, really, I had my clients do it a few days ago, so how hard can it be? Um, NOW I know why my client looked at me like I was crazy! LOL! I got an inch-long sticker in my thumb and couldn't figure out how to sit... then my hair was apparently covering my face so John and I had to swap sides... and all the while Kathryn is snapping away! Then Roxie decides she wants a piece of the action so we're trying to get her to either look cute in the photo or get out of the shot. She didn't look cute! LOL! 
We finally decide this sitting thing isn't working. So we go by the tree. Well, John, mind you, has a FAT lazy lip cause he's JUST come back from the dentist. So I feel like I'm trying to be romantic with a ghoul. And he has a scab (ew!) on his bottom lip cause he'd cut his lip (ow!) shaving. And he has nose hair. Sticking out. Double ew. And it's awfully hard to be romantic while your 10-year-old is WATCHING! LOL! 
Then I decide to walk over and take a peek at the images on the camera to see if we're even in the neighborhood of okay. And I realize that since Kathryn is much shorter than we are, she's been shooting up into the sun so all the images are ruined. :( Ohhhhhhhh and what a shame cause there were actually some cute ones!! So we repositioned her and tried a few more quickies... but by this time I was just DONE! 
The whole escapade only lasted about 10 minutes, but I tell ya, it sure gave me a much better sense of how my poor clients must feel while I'm telling them what to do!!!!!!!! Like the ever-romantic "almost kiss" that I just love... um, not so easy to pull off! HA. 
So to all my clients and friends and family that I have been bossing around for years while I stood there ever-so-safely BEHIND the camera... I'm truly sorry! I feel your pain! 
But, I do hope your suffering has not been for naught. I hope I've given you some lovely images (and perhaps funny memories!) that you will cherish for a lifetime... even if you got splinters or stepped in horse poop or got mauled by a deranged barn cat or almost dropped your baby... it was worth it RIGHT??!! ;) 

Here are two images, taken last night by my wonderful little budding photographer, Kathryn. Thanks honey!


Anonymous said...

Those are great!! You two are soooo cute! and you would never know what is going on behind the scenes... which is true about most of life. Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

You're both beautiful, the trees are beautiful, and I think Kathryn did a great job. And, yes, I'd love to have a copy....

Anonymous said...

I'd rather kiss you than "almost kiss" you. J

Anonymous said...

I love these two pictures! <3

P.S. I hope that was JOHN commenting in that last comment! Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

HEY sweetie. I saw the fwd you sent me. How come you don't have an awesome sexy closeup of this picture? The tension is in the face...not the trees or our bodies!JEM