Meet Tiffanie. We love Tiffanie. You would too.
Tiffanie is a girl who draws outside the lines. She is not afraid to be herself... and "herself" is quite colorful.
Tiffanie is spunky and funny and beautiful and quirky. She colors her hair with markers, makes tiaras out of pudding lids, lets her friends sign her bedroom walls with Sharpies, loves to wrestle with my kids, isn't afraid to get dirty, can fit 30 cherry tomatoes in her mouth at one time, and oh yeah, goes skydiving. She's decided she wants to be a skydiving videographer/photographer when she grows up.
Um, how cool is that?
Tiffanie is truly one of a kind.
We met her in California. She was our neighbor and my kids' FAAAAAAAAVORITE babysitter. She'd bring over this big blue box and would always have some fun random craft to do with the kids while John and I went out on dates. Gotta love that.
Tiffanie and her mom Jodie (my good friend) came to visit this weekend... yup, flew all the way from California to Texas to get Tiffanie's photos taken! EEK. Talk about pressure! HA. Anyway, we had so much fun doing Tiffanie's senior portraits this weekend. Wait, did I just say SENIOR portraits? Gosh, how did THAT happen???!!! She grew up WAY too fast. Anyway, she was up for anything... whether I asked her to hula-hoop or sit in the dirt or tromp through horse droppings or kiss a frog statue... she did it. And always with that beautiful smile on her face. It was really fun running around with her and it's going to be really fun to continue to watch her on her crazy life journey. :) You're a hoot kid, and I love ya!
And here's my wonderful friend, Jodie, who is the World's Best Mother and such a good friend and oh yeah, an AMAZING decorator. You should see her house. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. She has sooooooooooooooo many cool ideas. Love you too Jodie! Hope you guys enjoyed your Texas trip! :)
1 comment:
You made me cry! You get her... not everyone "gets" her! We had such a good time in Texas... and can't wait to come back! Your home is beautiful... your kids are great... and you and John are the perfect hosts! You make a mean cup of coffee, and drinking it sitting at your kitchen counter visiting with you was perfect... but drinking it sitting under your tree on a swing, with my book was pretty darn good too!
We love the pictures! Again I have to say you have the talent to capture the "sparkle" in their eyes. Thank you!!
I know you have soooooo much to do! But THANK YOU for our weekend! We really did have a fantastic time!!
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