Friday, August 29, 2008

Don't they know I don't do blood??

Seriously. Talk about trial by fire! 
I just returned from my first day working as a volunteer in the school office, which happens to be right next to the nurse's office. 
So I'm sitting there, happily twiddling my thumbs, answering a few phone calls, trying to figure out the kids' schedules, signing visitors in and out, when all of a sudden a sweaty, panicky, out-of-breath, bleeding girl comes in from recess saying, "I need the nurse." 
The nurse just so happened to be on the high school campus. I called her and said, "Um, we have a bleeder" and she said, "Oh. Well, I usually just slap some Neosporin and a Band-aid on it and send them on their way." 
Ohhhhhhhkie dokie then. 
Perhaps what I *should've* said is, "We got a GUSHER" cause that is certainly more descriptive of what I was staring at at the moment. 
But, not wanting to be the big weenie that I truly am when it comes to looking at blood, I donned my plastic gloves (with the authoritative *SNAP!* of course) and got to work. Both knees, gashed, muddy, and gushing blood...  which happens to be dripping alllllllllllll the way to the ankles. Even got it on her brand new shiny white school shoes, poor kid. Lovely. And wasn't I just just the bomb, still fielding phone calls (gloves and all!) in the midst of the crisis?!
One bottle of antiseptic wash, two gloves, 18 cotton balls, four gauze pads, half a tube of Neosporin, two jumbo Band-aids and a little throw up in the back of my throat later and I had my first patient all patched up and ready to go. 
Hey, a front office secretary's gotta do what a front office secretary's gotta do!! 


Anonymous said...

What a first day!! Oh my gosh .....

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on surviving your first day in the School Zone. Sounds like you handled it well. Thank goodness it wasn't a head wound...

Anonymous said...

did you manage to help her get the white shoes clean? Ha ha. Sounds like you did well...


Missy said...

well just get on with your bad "nursin" self girlfriend!!

Anonymous said...

I should nominate you for "Volunteer of the Month"! If we had a "Volunteer of the Month", I would... Maybe we'll create one in your honor. The "Stacy Murphy Award" for having a stomach of steel!
