Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh what a wonderful feeling! Oh what a wonderful day!

Look at these shining, happy faces. :) Yup, those are the faces of children heading out for their first day of school. 
Hello Ms. Fifth Grader! FIFTH GRADER?! Wait, that can't be right. I think she must've skipped a grade in there somewhere? Perhaps they gave her the wrong class assignment. Yes, that must be it. I'm not old enough to have a FIFTH GRADER!? 
And my all-grown-up second grader who didn't even "need" me to come to his classroom with him today. I feel a bit at a loss. I mean, isn't that what mothers of little kids do? They follow them nervously into the classroom and stand around hovering with their point and shoot cameras until the teacher very politely asks them to leave? Oh yeah, wait, he's not a "little kid" anymore. 
So we had the usual school morning around here. Goes something like this: 

(Kathryn) "Mom, I NEED the PERFECT ponytail today and I HAVE to find my yellow zipper earrings."
(Jasper, from the bathroom) "Um, MOOOOOOOM? Can I flush the scorpion down the toilet?"
(Me) "John, get the dog off the rug cause she's about to puke but I can't help cause I'm frying bacon!"

Just another morning at the Murphy House. 

P.S. - Jasper didn't get to wear the ultra cool outfit I had all laid out for him for his first day cause his Cub Scout leader called and said they'd be leading the first flag raising ceremony this morning at the BRAND NEW school... big deal... newspaper reporter on hand and everything. He's excited. 


Anonymous said...

Check out those good looking kids

Anonymous said...
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Missy said...

beautiful babies :) her ponytail is just as perfect as she wanted :)

how exciting for him too!!

i'm recovering from yesterday. i'm better today. they kicked me out of my 5 year olds classroom yesterday. Fascists.