That's right... Kathryn is now an official cheerleader! Isn't it exciting? Isn't it fabulous? Isn't it, um, LOUD? Ha. This girl is serious about cheering. And she loves to practice... anytime, anywhere, and of course, as any good cheerleader would know, at the top of her lungs. I am very proud of her because she DEFINITELY has spirit... enough I think to be a real standout on the squad... well, at least where her vocal chords are concerned. This girl's got a serious set of lungs... but we have known that ever since she was a toddler. ;) We are hoping that now she can put those lungs, her spunk and endless energy to good use, cheering on the Melissa Cardinals and their 5th grade football team!!
Go Kathryn, Go!
OMG! So cute. Great story, great pics. See you tomorrow. I love you. Always, J. XOXO.
She looks adorable! Tell her that Gramma is proud of her!
You, Stacy, may want to invest in a good set of earplugs.
And time marches on... next thing you know Friday football breakfasts... more cars in the driveway than fit... endless amounts of food inhaled... It's starting! Enjoy the ride!!
Ohhhh - I'm gonna have to change my opinion of Texas cheerleaders. You know how much I like that girl of yours. If she's a Texas cheerleader, then they can't be all bad!
The outcomes of our children never cease to amaze me. When I think of what I expected them to be and what I "got" I laugh out loud every time! I never imagined my life would consist of football, copious amounts of lip gloss and a metro son who won't embrace my love of second hand shopping. Kathryn looks beautiful! Keep us posted on the cheerleading circuit. That's one road less traveled so far.... :)
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