Okay, can we just take a moment to have a show of hands... be honest now... who here wanted to be Laura Ingalls when you were growing up?
ME! ME! ME! Come on....... admit it... you're raising your hand too!
"Little House on the Prairie" was my fa-a-a-a-a-vorite show when I was a kid. I so badly wanted my nickname to be "Half Pint." I wanted Ma and Pa to be my parents (no offense Mom and Dad... you guys weren't too shabby either!). I wanted Mrs. Beadle to be my teacher. Heck, I didn't even mind if I had to have hideous buckteeth, so long as I could wear a bonnet and sleep in a loft!
Well, I got a brilliant idea a few weeks ago. As many of you know, we Murphys have entered a new frontier... we have NO satellite or cable TV. Nothing, nada, zilch. By choice!! But we're not total freaks. We DO watch movies. ;)
So back to my brilliant idea. I decided to rent the old episodes of "Little House on the Prairie" to watch with my kids, starting at the very beginning. We're almost finished with season one and my kids are BEGGING for more. Tonight's episode was all about a pesky raccoon Laura was keeping as a pet... and guess what she named him? JASPER! HA HA HA HA. That MADE *my* Jasper's day!
I can't believe how much I'm truly loving watching these shows the second time around. They're completely different (and better!) watching them as an adult. They have such yummy morals and Christian messages... there isn't a dry eye in this bed at the end of each show! Warm fuzzies all around. (And can I just say, ahem, that Charles isn't too rough on the eyes when he walks around in his suspenders and no shirt... bwahahaha!)
Remember the episode where Caroline bought material to make herself a dress, but instead stayed up all night making dresses for Mary and Laura so they'd have something nice to wear to their school open house? Oh. My. Gosh. SOBBING. I was a wreck!
Well, certainly a lot has changed since the days of the show. But I tell you what... I am feeling moved by the show in a whole new way and although I never got to be Laura Ingalls, I *can* strive to be more like Caroline Ingalls. :) I know it's easy to snap at the kids (especially at the end of a long summer break!) but I am going to turn a new leaf and try to be more like sweet Caroline. It's a lofty goal for sure, but even if I glean just the teensiest bit of inspiration from her, it can only be a good thing.
Now tell me, what was YOUR favorite episode? :)
On another quick note... here's something else that gave me a warm fuzzy today... SERIOUSLY??!! WOW. I had NO IDEA this many people were reading my blog! Hee hee. This is a new statcounter I installed today. It counts how many times people (NOT including me) view my blog. I had NO idea!!! You guys are the best!
(This says I had 45 visitors yesterday and they opened my blog a total of 71 times.)
My favorite episode would have to be the surprise hoe down, sing-a-long, with Mr. Edwards or whatever the guy's name is with the beard. Also, I like the snowstorm one where they have to follow the rope to the barn to get the horse. And... Michael Landon is some nice eye candy.... Can't stand Nellie's mom though, she creeps me out. Lovely blog, jarred the memories for sure. It's so nice that libraries carry that series! Herdman
Hmmmmmmmmmm.....I just remember having a *tremendous* crush on Little Joe when I was in highschool. Hate to admit that to my grown daughter, but I cried when he died. Of course, I also cried when President Kennedy was assasinated, when John Lennon was shot, when Princess Diana was killed in the car crash, and when Julia Child passed away. Isn't it strange that celebrities can become like "family"? Well, I wandered off the topic of Little House on the Prairie - yup, great shows. Now you need to watch all the Bonanza reruns....I can still hear the theme music...
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