Friday, August 29, 2008

Politics Schmolitics

Ask me if I care. Go ahead. I'll be honest. 
Oh how I wish I CARED. How can I make myself care? 
John just called and said everyone at the airport is all abuzz about Obama's speech last night. I missed it. We don't have TV. So yeah, I missed it... and I'm not too broken up about it either.
I am a college-educated woman who was raised in an affluent family and community. I was a Broadcast Journalism major for crying out loud! I have worked in television, radio and print news. I know voting matters. I mean, duh! I know whoever is chosen for President can and will effect my life. 
But the politics... UGH! The campaigning and mud-slinging and talktalktalking until you're blue in the face... BLECH. I trust presidential candidates about as much as I trust the homeless dude on the corner with the sign that says, "Need money to feed my children." I just think they're all blowing hot air out their rears. Don't EVEN get me started. 
After I quit working as a newspaper reporter to become a stay-home mom, I quit reading the newspaper. I think this drives John crazy because he is the type who will read ANY and EVERY paper cover to cover, word for word, day to day. I envy him. I do not share that desire. Newspapers depress me. Too much bad news. One tragic headline about a hurt/lost/kidnapped/murdered/raped/sick child puts me in a melancholy mood for the rest of the day. But that also means I don't know a whole heck of a lot about the candidates. 
Again, I wish I cared. 
Isn't it horrible???
I didn't grow up in a very political household (thank goodness!). I don't think I have a political bone in my body. My parents used to always tease that they only went to vote to negate each others' vote. We didn't spend a whole lot of time sitting around debating the issues at the dinner table. If we got started, it usually got ugly real fast. LOL! My mom and I are the bleeding heart types and my dad, well, let's just suffice it to say he's not. ;) 
We get the paper. We get "Newsweek" magazine. And I TRY to read it. I really really do! But I usually end up skipping right to the more fluffy stuff towards the back. I love Anna Quindlen but I can't STAND to read about politics. I'd rather give myself papercuts on the webbing between my toes than read about politics. 
It's horrible and sad and embarrassing, but it's true. 
But of course now I'm starting to feel panicky because the election is coming up and MY VOTE MATTERS and I WILL vote... so I need to stop whining about it and start paying attention. Do they make Cliff's Notes for this? Or a Politics for Dummies book? If so, bring it on baby!!

(If you find yourself in the same boat, I found this great article about the candidates and where they stand on the major issues. It's basic and easy to understand. I hope you find it helpful! Here's the link, which you'll have to copy and paste:)


Anonymous said...

You must have inherited this lack of political interest from me, Stacy. I totally agree with your statements. Many times you've heard me quote that, "I get all the news I need on the weather report". The presidential candidates leave me cold. However, I have heard that McCain got rid of all of his chickens. Seems he got tired of going to the hen house and hearing them clucking "BA-RACK, BA-RACK, BA-RACK".

Anonymous said...

I would rather read literature than political treatise, but I have to admit that this election and its candidates excite me. Never before in my voting life have I been more excited about a candidate, seen KIDS excited about a candidate, seen people I never knew had it in them excited about voting. That has to say something about this election. If it gets the American people out there voting and motivated, more power to the frontrunners.


Anonymous said...

I didn't watch Obama's speech, but I read it later. I cried. I asked Bruce when it was that I became a bleeding heart and he said, "August 30, 1969"! He then asked if I was planning to pay attention to what McCain had to say as well, and of course I will do that. And then I'll be thoroughly confused once again. Makes me crazy....
