One decade ago today, I gave birth to my daughter, Kathryn Rose.
One decade ago today, my life changed forever.
One decade ago today, the world became a better place, because she was now in it.
I cannot believe an entire decade has passed since I first held my squishy, sticky, squirmy warm newborn in my arms.
During these past 10 years, Kathryn has brought us an immeasurable amount of joy and laughter and pride. We have watched her grow from a tiny wee thing into a tall, lanky, gorgeous, intelligent young lady. Ten. Wow.
She happens to be one of my favorite people in the world.
Things she is: Funny, spirited, generous, smart, witty, caring, silly, sentimental, passionate and lovely inside & out. She is afraid of spiders. She loves fruit and loves to read books. Lots of them. And sing. Loudly. She loves Broadway shows, her purple watch and her pierced ears. She is a cheerleader, a swimmer, a Christian, a Harry Potter & Little House on the Prairie fan, a great joke teller and a straight-A student. She is a loyal friend, an animal lover and an excellent masseuse! She loves the Sunday comics and her Daddy. She loves her real dog, Roxie, and her stuffed one, Murphy, too.
Things she is not: Shy! Or quiet! She is not afraid to pull teeth or answer the telephone. She is not fond of broccoli, meat or cobwebs. She does not like bed time. She does not like being alone. She does not like most bugs and she does not like to be hot. She is not afraid to eat sweets.
Today is Kathryn's 10th birthday. A big one! Double digits. A decade. I hope she has a fabulous celebration. She deserves it.
Happy Birthday my darling sweet Kathryn. We love you beyond words.