Are you superstitious? I try not to be, but I am, about really random things. I don't worry about the usual... walking under ladders or breaking mirrors or black cats crossing my path. That doesn't bug me. But I *do* worry sometimes that my life is TOO good and so that must mean that my bubble is going to burst someday and something horrible will happen. Right? EEK. I mean, think about it, most people you meet have some story to tell... a story of tragedy or sadness or loss. I do not have a story...
See... even WRITING that sentence makes me feel like I'm going to hex it.
One of John's belated relatives, Fannie Pickens, used to listen to our stories and adventures and she'd always say, "Oh, everything is just working out so PERFECTLY!" And it is. It really is. But how long can we keep this up? Living within this blessed bubble, surrounded by the silver lining? John and I both have our health and we love our jobs. We have a very happy, harmonious marriage. Our kids are healthy and happy and smart and beautiful. We have a lovely home in a lovely town. Both sets of parents are still married and living. We have a new niece or nephew on the way. And heck, even our dog is cute and well-behaved, my jeans are getting baggy AND I found $6 in the washing machine this morning.
Life is good.
But sometimes it seems too good to be true... so I worry. A lot.
Ha ha ha.
MAYBE it's just that we are optimists and so things really ARE going "wrong" around us and yet we just refuse to let it get us down. Sure, we've had our moments, but we always seem to come out on the other end, sunny side up.
I hope I haven't hexed myself by writing this entry. I probably have. You just watch, that means the carpet that is going to be installed today is going to be HIDEOUS beyond words. Ug. I think I'm going to be sick. LOL.
Anyway, on another note, you guys complain to me when I post with no photos, so here are some I took of the kids last week. My photographer friend, Gillian, fussed at me when she saw a picture of this road on my blog. She said, "OH MY GOSH, why haven't you taken photos of your kids on that road?! You should be using that location all the time!" and she told me to go THAT day and do photos. So Gillian, these are for you. :) Thanks for inspiring me!
Just keep swimming..dont worry about sinking...the only thing is too good to be true is those pads you put on your feet to suck out the toxins while you sleep and bananas that wont make my mother in law pass the worst gas known to man.
I am like you... I love my little bubble I live in! Just count your blessings everyday... and trust the things that do come along to God! You will handle whatever comes your way with grace because of Him! Enjoy making your memories!
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