Why am I thinking about cellulite? Well, I checked the weather and am keeping a close eye on the all the hurricanes brewing out there... begging them to stay clear of the Caribbean because we're going on our Carnival cruise in 96 days (woooooo hooooo!) and so I don't want them messing up all those gorgeous white sandy beaches.
96 days. Hmmm. So that got me thinking. That means I have about 2,296 hours and roughly 57 minutes to lose at least 10 pounds! ACK! Do you think I can do it????
You know, there aren't too many things I miss about living in Modesto, but it wasn't ALL bad. The top five things I *do* miss most are:
1. My BFFs Terri & Renee (Ohhhhhhhhhhh I will see you SOON!!! Only 3 more days until Renee has her "baby with balls." Do you have a name yet?) and Jodie and all of her yummy leftovers, free decorating tips and of course her three gorgeous "children," one who happened to be the BESTEST babysitter in the universe!
2. PRODUCE. PRODUCE. PRODUCE. Oh how I miss the wonderful beautiful delectable produce from O'Brien's market!
3. Living driving distance from Mammoth Mountain.
4. Being able to walk the kids to school.
5. Living ONE MILE up the road from a killer Gold's Gym.
Yes, that's right... it used to be SO easy to go work out. No excuses. A HUGE gym packed with all the latest equipment and super fun spinning classes. At one point, I was in the best shape I've been in in a very long time. All muscular and sorta skinny.
But not anymore. Wah. I've pretty much let myself go to pot since we moved. I've been walking, but it's obviously not enough. There are no gyms nearby. They're all a haul. But is that a good enough excuse?
It really sucks getting older (yes, I'm creeping up toward the big 4-0!). Everyone tells you that, but you can't truly appreciate it until you're there, experiencing it first-hand. First you start to get tired more easily. Then you gain weight just by thinking about food. Then these weird hairs show up in places you just really shouldn't even ever have hair. And the cellulite and the achey joints. Ahhhhhhhhh. And the cellulite. We can't forget that.
So anyway... wish me luck on my 96-day journey towards getting back COMFORTABLY into my jeans!! ;)
Having hit 40, I know that all of the above is true. However, I can also tell you that with 40 comes a wild abandon that I wouldn't trade for the world. It was about time I had the feeling of "who gives a rip?"
Good luck on your quest! :)
Yeah... I feel so honored to have made the blog... you have no idea how much I miss having you across the street! 40 is GREAT!!! Yes, a comes with a few "bumps" but they are really okay because you are 40! My new theory on my life is..." I have nothing to prove to anyone!" Go for it... 10 lbs in 96 days is soooo doable! But even if you don't, who cares... John thinks you are georgous and your kids love you no matter what... and who cares about the rest!! Happy exercising ;)
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