To, ahem, see Jude Law in a kilt!!! BWAHAHAHA (evil laugh). Oh honey, you need some help getting that shirt off? Here, let me help! But first, would you hand me that towel so I can mop this drool off my chin?

You see, I'm kinda having trouble pulling my mind out of the 18th century Scottish gutter right now. I just finished the second book in the Outlander series, so my dirty dishes and dirty laundry are stacking up and I don't think I've brushed my teeth yet today, but by golly, I finished my book. And I'm still swooning, reluctantly trying to bring myself back to the present... back to my boring ol' reality... away from Jamie Fraser. Sighhhhhhhh.
Ladies... can I tell you, just suck it up and don't be shy... march right on into the bookstore, head held high, right to the harlequin romance section, and GET THESE BOOKS! You will NOT regret it! TRUUUUUUST me on this one! They're each about 1,000 pages of sublime escapism with one of the most lovable (oh yes!) characters you're ever likely to meet... Jamie Fraser.
Let me just say a few things about Mr. Fraser.
Mr. James Alexander Malcom McKenzie Fraser.
He is hot.
He is romantic.
And he is Mine.
So just take one giant step backwards sistahs... go get your own kilted Scottish warrior. This one is taken. (Sorry Missy! I know you saw him first... but you can still have Justin Timberlake! Fair trade?)
I think I'm kindof picturing Jude Law as Jamie. Yeah yeah yeah okay, so he's English, not Scottish. And he's got brown hair, not red hair... but still. He works for me! Seriously, can you just picture him in a kilt? Remember in the movie "The Holiday" where he cried in that one scene?! OH. MY. GAWD!
Um, okay, I'm off to a cold shower...
(And while I'm gone... here's the link to the books on Amazon. You can thank me later.)
I fell asleep last night trying to imagine what man I know of who could live up to Jamie. I don't know if it's Jude for me, but I'll certainly have that in my head and see if it works! Either way, Jude Law in my head is sooo not a bad thing!
You are a verra bad influence my friend - I have work I'm supposed to do! I have a family who needs taken care of! I canna spend my days and nights wi' my nose in this book! But, I'm certainly going to try...
I'm driving Bruce crazy with my new Scottish dialect. Poor guy. And he looks at me weird when I'm reading with a HUGE grin on my face. I canna help it, though. Ay, this Jamie's somethin' else!
Okay, since we're airing our deepest, darkest fantasy: best guy I ever saw wearing a kilt was Mel Gibson in Braveheart. (Remember, girls, I'm a lot older than you. For me, Jude Law would take too long to train...). Sad that Mel has turned weird in the last few years. If you're interested in another good story, check out Ireland by Frank Delaney. But wait...it just occured to me that maybe you're not reading these books in order to become better acquainted with history. *smile*
oh stacy stacy stacy my friend..guess what i discovered is going to be going on right here in my own backyard. Not literally but very close.
seriously, if i didnt have an entire day of football i would SO be there!!! how freaking cool is that??? hmmmmm men in kilts orrrrrrr my boys playing ball..dilemmas dilemmas!!!
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